Season 1: New Jonathan, Let's See How You Improve

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*Jonathan's POv*

After yesterday's chaos, I am finally back on track on what I wanted to be.

Even though I was a human again, free of internal problems which was mostly caused by Nezarc, I now have to do a massive catch-up that was caused by a decade of stagnation.

This would be a long journey of me, mostly learning social skills and everything else from the outside world. Fortunately, with some quick ability to learn fast, this would be easy.

Mrs. Sobrehano: Is everything you got needed in your bag?

Jonathan: Everything is there, and I have my typewriter in my locker.

Mrs. Sobrehano: Ok, just be safe, and try to be open if you can.

Jonathan: I would, bye ma.

So I went to college, and to my surprise, everyone greets me kindly, mostly.

Dorian: Hey Jonathan, it's your first day of your human self.

Jonathan: I was a human before I became a cat 

Dorian: I know, but this is the human self with a new self inside you.

Jonathan: It felt the same, just without anyone blocking my mental router.

Dorian: Let's see if you do well with the things that Molly and the rest of us taught you.

So the college has started, and the professor noticed me, looking different.

Class: Good morning Professor Carwin.

Mr. Carwin: *Notices that the cat is gone* Well, where is that cat?

Jonathan: I was the cat...

Mr. Carwin: Oh, how did that happen?

Dorian: Well, yesterday shenanigans, you know...

Mr. Carwin: Is it the entire chaos that you probably caused it at the first place?

Dorian: Yes, he almost died, and when him and his friend got rid of him, they were offered a reward. He chose to revert back into a human, that's what happened.

Mr. Carwin: Well, he chose the old him, based on the image that I saw on his ID.

Jonathan: I'm happy that I'm a human again, and I want to see my new self as a human and I want to see how much I've improved from the past.

Mr. Carwin: I hope what you said becomes true, because for the last two seminars, you did poorly. Right now I think you are on the right track, but it's too early to determine.

Jonathan: I know Professor Carwin.

Mr. Carwin: Alright, let's get the class started. On your General English for Academic and Professional Purposes, you may have to group yourselves into 3.

Dorian: Jonathan, you're going with me.

Jonathan: Ok then who's the third one?

Dorian: If you didn't know, I have another friend, which you may heard of before. It's Charlemagne.

Jonathan: Oh, she's the one that her arm got broken during one of our shenanigans.

Dorian: Yep, that's her.

So we arranged ourselves in a groups of 3, and the reason is for analyzing a research survey from a questionnaire if it is intelligible or not.

Mr. Carwin: So you are all grouped up everyone?

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