Loser Standing Small, Winner Takes it All

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Later after the first day in the competition, we have to discuss the performance of our team.

Dorian: Alright, so let's assess on what we managed to do....

Jonathan: I failed at swimming.

Dorian: Oh come on you did swim, is just not fast.

Gloria: Right now we're on second place ,and the next day is some bunch of multiplayer games.

Charlemagne: Right now we lost one person. Trisha, did it hurt?

Trisha: The pole vaulting is hard. I screwed at the last jump.

Dorian: So one person is out, now what do we do in the multiplayer games?

Karl: There is double badminton. Who wants to join?

Akbar: I can...

Dorian: Then who else is going to volunteer?

Gloria: Can I do it?

Dorian: Yeah you can.

We now tried to scramble on who to put for team sports. At the end of the day, we got the team we needed for the next day of the sports competition.

The next day, it's the last day of the sports competition, and most of it were played by more than one player in the team.

So the first game is the wheelbarrow race, where one person will hold their legs, and the other will use the arms to propell to reach the finish line, like how a wheelbarrow works, the handle are the legs and the wheel is the other person's arms.

Charlemagne: You sure you want to be the wheelbarrow?

Jonathan: If you were the wheelbarrow, you will struggle catching up because I am faster.

Charlemagne: Oh, but I will try to catch up. I did some running because of you.

Jonathan: Ok, we can switch.

So I will be the wheelbarrow instead of Charlemagne, and I make sure it goes up to the rhythm to avoid some misstep.

So we decided to race against other teams, and when the game starts, I accelerated to a point that I reached her maximum limit of her speed, so I have to slow down a bit.

Charlemagne: Jonathan you're too fast!!

Jonathan: Maybe you should be the wheelbarrow...

Charlemagne: Forget that! GO FASTER!!!!

So even though she reaches her speed limit, she decided to go faster just to push her limits further.

This eventually gave us the win, giving our team points.

Charlemagne: *pants* My gosh.... We did it.

Jonathan: We finally worked together at the end.

Charlemagne: *still a bit tired* But there's more....

Jonathan: Oh, right.

The next game is badminton in tandem... Gloria and Karl are going to play, and it would be the race to win three sets.

Problem is, Gloria doesn't even know how to play the game, so Karl has to give her some bit of a rundown just to understand. What's worse is that it caused unnecessary drama because Gloria joined our fraternity, and to them it felt like it was a backstab against their team.

They tried their best to win, only to get crippled because we faced the Trinity team, and they are actually good players.

Right now, were in the first place, and we only have one more game to play, which is soccer. Right now were on top, but just one game will be the deciding factor on which team would win the sports competition. It would either cause the team to gain more points, or the other team bypass the score and lose the competition.

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