Every Friendship Starts With an Encounter

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So we went to the park, and we saw Aubrey fixing the park.

Jonathan: Hey Aubrey, how's the park?

Aubrey: Were still trying to clean up the scars after the entire chaos yesterday, and then I remembered that we are planning to to make an artificial river, so we decided to use this things as a framework.

Dorian: Well everything else is still being repaired, I think he good thing here is there is progress.

Jonathan: Besides, that tree over there is still standing.

Dorian: That one? Why do you think it's significant?

Jonathan: Look, whenever Molly and I went to this park, we stay there for the shade.

Dorian: So, do you want me to use it too?

Jonathan: Well everyone could, and you can. I'm not the only one who owns that tree.

So we stay under that tree and sit there, and watched as Aubrey trying to clean up the park, which was a battlefield yesterday. I decided to practice drawing, which I am now trying to practice drawing surroundings, because I know how to draw a bunch of diagrams, but not the normal drawings.

Just then, Molly found me in the park, and greeted each other.

Molly: Jonathan!

Jonathan: *Looks left* Oh, hey Molly... Come here.

Molly: *Jumps to my shoulder to cling onto me* I miss you so much!

Jonathan: Molly... We're here yesterday, fighting which resulted to this... *Shows the park's aftermath of the fight that happened yesterday*

Molly: Oh... Yup, forgot about that. *Releases me* So how's your first day of your new you?

Jonathan: I absolutely destroyed most of the entire class, and it made my professors surprised!

Molly: Wow, that sounds cool! Just a curious question, have you done socializing in class?

Jonathan: Well, I think I became a rival on one of Dorian's friends, like she is scared of me.

Molly: Oh, you mean Charlemagne? You may need to do some competition. Just make sure you don't get extremely mad. I'm scared on what is going to happen when you get extremely mad in your class. You had the Lightning Blade, and I can't imagine you are going to use it against your own classmate.

Jonathan: Well, I can't get mad easily.

Molly: Oh, that's good. *Sees Dorian* Oh Dorian! I didn't know you are here.

Dorian: Oh, hey Molly.

Molly: I heard that Jonathan single handedly destroy everyone in the class, is it true?

Dorian: Yes. The professors were surprised on his school performance this day, like they never heard of him doing it for the past two semisters.

Molly: About Charlemagne... Is it true that she is now scared of him?

Dorian: Yes, and it scared her so much that she decided to ditch hanging out with me so she can study for the lessons next day.

Molly: Please, I know that she is your close friend, so keep an eye on her because I don't want to see her getting mauled over by Jonathan's "Lightning Blade". Imagine what is gonna happen if she starts irrating him. There would be a point where it would reach his limit and starts attacking her.

Dorian: Oh... I'll do it.

Molly: Ok.

So Molly told Dorian to keep an eye on Charlemagne because it is his extremely close friend, and to prevent her from provoking me too much.

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