My Earth Science Orientaion

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After Charlemagne's disaster yesterday, she was absent today due to absurd stomach pains after eating rotten oysters that I was glad that I avoided it.

During the class, our professor, Mr. Carwin, decided to remind us about the next activity, which is having an orientation about science and I volunteered for one of the schools. I chose the school where Molly was learning, because I would have an assistant when I reach there. Dorian did the same, and since we knew one of them, it would be a piece of cake, taking turns of what to discuss. While Dorian chooses physics, I choose Earth Science because it's my favourite branch of science.

We soon plan on what to say, and what section I was supposed to go. And all I think is that everything is going to be easy.

But then, the next day, Charlemagne is back, and she chose the same school that I was going to orient. And to make matters worse, we have the same topic because Dorian forgot about the assigned topics. This could not end well. But since Molly was there, I got some extra protection in case if she blows up the discussion.

Jonathan: Hey Dorian, how's the plans?

Dorian: Uhhhh... Jonathan, Charlemagne picked the same school that we are going to orient.

Jonathan: Oh... That's bad... I hope we wouldn't be placed in the same room.

Dorian: Well there are some schedules that you have to be both in the same section.

Jonathan: Oh no... You got to be kidding me! I have to do an orientation together with my own enemy! It's also in the school where Molly was learning.

Dorian: Well you can call her, and she would give you some defense. Like in case if a fight broke out, she would stop both of you in case if its the climax of the fight.

And then Charlemagne came, and I step back before she tries to do something wrong in any form.

Dorian: Charlemagne, I'm keeping an eye on you, because you might try to kill him.

Charlemagne: I know... Maybe do it later after orientation?

Jonathan: Please later in the orientation, I don't want Molly to get hurt with our shenanigans.

Charlemagne: Look, we have to agree on that. I don't want my brother to get hurt.

Jonathan: Wait, you have a brother in that school?

Charlemagne: Yes, what's the name?

Jonathan: Uhhhh... I don't know.

Charlemagne: ITS JOHN!

Jonathan: Hold on, you mean, John the person that Molly hangs out in her class, along with Bobson?

Charlemagne: YES!

Jonathan: Oh... Well, Ok....

Dorian: Alright, both of you must be careful in your topic, becuase if you start a debate, it would not end well.

Charlemagne and Jonathan: Ok, let's practice on what part we should take. I'll take the introduction.

Jonathan: No I'll take the introduction.

Dorian: Nevermind, Jonathan should take the introduction. No questions asked because he is more knowledgeable on this topic.

Jonathan: Thanks.

Charlemagne: Come on!

Dorian: I know, but you'll take the body, which is he first and third sections, and Jonathan should take second and fourth sections, and both of you conclude the topic.

Charlemagne: Seems fine to me.

Jonathan: Ok, I'm ready. 

And then we practice doing an orientation, and everything is going well for the most part. The practice took two hours to do in in perfection, because both of us accidentally switched our roles multiple times, which contains a bit of a squabbles that almost ended up in disaster.

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