Understanding Mendocino

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*Third person POV*

Dorians father, Mr. Mendocino, after 19 years since that incident happened to him, still grieves for his wife, and he hasn't moved on.

Dorian: Dad, what are you doing?

Mr. Mendocino: Trying to sort out paperwork's from our business. It's booming and it could become international.

Dorian: *Looks on a picture of his mom* You just, miss my mom.

Mr. Mendocino: *Sighs* I know. I haven't moved on, I can't live like this. 

Dorian: Come on, there are women out there that needs some love you know. Look, you need some help because if this keeps up, you won't be able to your job properly.

Mr. Mendocino: Ok...

So Mr. Mendocino decided to take a break on his job and just have some normal pastime with the normal people. That way he could clear his thoughts for a while.

DocM: Oh hey Mr. Mendocino, how's your day?

Mr. Mendocino: Just experiencing my long term grief. It's been 19 years since she's gone.

DocM: Your wife?

Mr. Mendocino: Yes. I have to raise my son alone, and he's the only thing that I have right now.

DocM: You know that there are friends that you can count on. Maybe they would be able to help you get rid of it.

Mr. Mendocino: I see... It's been 20 years since that happened.

DocM: Damn bro you took it too long. I'm gonna call someone that can help you.

So Doc called Ms. Martha, where she is now a psychiatrist.

DocM: Hello? Ms. Martha?

Ms. Martha: Oh hey Doc, what do you need?

DocM: This guy needs help. It's Mr. Mendocino and he is currently suffering a long-term depression.

Ms. Martha: How long?

DocM: 20 years.

Ms. Martha: My gosh... I am going to your place. Tell Mr. Mendocino to stay. By the way, where are you?

Doc: In front of my house, in this address.

Ms. Martha: Ok, I'll be right there.

DocM: *Turns to Mr. Mendocino* Why don't you come into my house and wait here for a while.

Mr. Mendocino: Ok...

So Mr. Mendocino waits for Ms. Martha to come to his place. This would be the first time he would meet her.

And then she arrived.

Ms. Martha: Ok, good afternoon Doc, so where's Mr. Mendocino?

Mr. Mendocino: I'm right here....

Ms. Martha: Ok, we are going to talk you out... So first things first... Is it true that you suffered a long-term depression?

Mr. Mendocino: Yes, for 20 years.

Ms. Martha: Ok, how did you acquired it?

Mr. Mendocino: Weeks after my only son's birth, she was killed by a gunfire by the gangs. I was also about to die, but they were too late to find me and my son, but also it was to late for her to be saved. She sustained two headshots, and a neck hit that would cause internal decapitation, and that's what happened. Now I have to raise my son alone.

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