Welcome to ITrade

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So I was on a break, and then I got a call from Aubrey, because she wants me to check the park when I am done doing my class.

Jonathan: *Answers Call* Hello, what is it?

Aubrey: Oh hi it's me, Aubrey.

Jonathan: Why did you call me during my class hours.

Aubrey: Oh, I'm so sorry for interrupting your class.

Jonathan: It's fine it's my snack break and I am doing well in class.

Aubrey: It's nice to see you that you managed to function properly in a classroom. I called you because the park repair is finished.

Jonathan: Oh, that's good.

Aubrey: By the way, there is a small boat race that is going to happen this weekend. Are you gonna join?

Jonathan: I would, if I have a schedule. I might have to check it if I was free on that time.

Aubrey: Good, better bring your friends to make it more fun.

Jonathan: Ok, bye.

So after the call, I continue my normal business, which is eating my snack. I ate some cookies and some tea, which my mom prepared me this morning. It's cold, but it was meant for me to be this way.  I use that to dunk my cookies there. Charlemagne saw me doing that and she called me a heretic by eating British foods incorrectly.

And as I head out the campus, I saw my parents, waiting for me.

Mr. Henken: Jonathan! Over here!

Jonathan: Dad, why are you picking me up? I can go home alone.

Ms. Sobrehano: Were going somewhere.

Jonathan: Somewhere? Somewhere what?

Ms. Sobrehano: Shopping!!

So my parents decided to bring me to help with their shopping. This was the first time doing it.

So we went to the shopping center. The place is called "ITrade", and it's the first time that I've been to a mall since... Way too long time ago when I was extremely young.

Jonathan: I haven't been to a shopping center before.

Mr. Henken: I know, so that's what we're going to do today. Isn't that right kids?

The twins are excited for this, while me and the older siblings are preparing to buy some stuff. I have no idea what to do but I decided to buy food.

Jonathan: So.... What am I supposed to do?

Ms. Sobrehano: You go around the place and find some certain stuff.

Jonathan: Is there a place where you can buy food in ITrade?

Ms. Sobrehano: There's a grocery store in ITrade. It has everything that you need.

Jonathan: Oh. I got some money to buy stuff.

Mr. Henken: Yeah don't worry we got some of the list for you.

Ms. Sobrehano: Here are the things you need to buy.

So I got a list of things to buy.

The list:

- a sack of rice

- 2 kg potatoes

- 2 kg celery

- 1 kg chili peppers

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