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So one day, my parents decided to buy some new furniture. I decided to buy a new bed because the bed we use is in low quality.

Since we have a ton of money, I decided to buy a new bed.

Ms. Sobrehano: So what furniture do you want my son?

Jonathan: I need a new bed.

Ms. Sobrehano: Oh, that's it.

Jonathan: Yeah. I just need an upgrade.

Ms. Sobrehano: Ok.

Without hesitation, my mom bought a new bed because it was worn when it was bought. This later would make my nights bearable after a decade of suffering from other issues.

After buying the bed, we went to a small restaurant and ate there, talking our futures that we wanted.

After that, we went home and installed the new bed. The bed was good, and I think I can have a good night rest without my thoughts trying to interrupt my rest.

But that night, it will be the weirdest one of all, because I have an encounter.

That night, I encountered Omega Domino while I was asleep. He woke me up with the sound of the portal opening in front of my bed.

Johnny: Ok, so is your day?

Jonathan: Everything is good, bought a new bed, and life is moving forward for me.

Johnny: You better keep the momentum up or else you will fall back. *Notification alert, portal opened in the real world*. Jonathan, you need to wake up because a portal opened in front of you.

Jonathan: What are you talking about? Let me check... *Wakes up, sees a portal in front of the bed* Oh, so this is what Johnny talks about.

Omega Domino: Jonathan, are you awake?

Jonathan: Yes, you woke me up.

Omega Domino: Let's just have a small chat. You can come in for a while.

So I step into the portal, and Domino has waited for a while.

Omega Domino: So how is your life as a human?

Jonathan: Doing well, it's just I have so many things to catch up.

Omega Domino: The isolation took a toll on your development as a person, but I think you can get the hang of it. So how is your socials?

Jonathan: Made more friends, joined a friend group, and strengthening relations with my family.

Omega Domino: So how's Molly?

Jonathan: She's doing well I supposed. She is happier than ever before.

Omega Domino: So how is your girlfriend?

Jonathan: *Pause* What?

Omega Domino: You don't have a girlfriend?

Jonathan: Why would I want to have a girlfriend?

Omega Domino: It's for your future. You will never be alone in your life as an adult.

Jonathan: No, I don't want to. Besides, marriage is terrible.

Omega Domino: Here we go again... Look, you may not have one now, but there will be a time where you will get one, and you can't deny it forever.

Jonathan: We'll see about that... So about this entire thing... Why did you call me?

Omega Domino: I just want to give you this mythical plant.

So I received a mythical plant, and it is a special one.

Jonathan: So, what is this thing called?

Omega Domino: The deflective flower, and it has a property that when someone tries to inflicts pain, you will be unharmed. Instead, the one who causes the pain will be the one to suffer.

Jonathan: I will take care of it.

Omega Domino: Right now, it has one mature flower, and you have to water it.  It will take a while to bear another flower, but that flower will last for a hundred hits.

Jonathan: Got it, but why do I need that?

Omega Domino: It's a surprise tool that can help us later.

And after some other information given, I left, and went back to sleep. It's still midnight but I slept anyway.

The next day....

Jonathan: Guys, I met Omega Domino last night.

Dorian: You mean the thing that you and Sasha witness?

Jonathan: Yes, and she gave me that plant. This is the flower.

Charlemagne: *Looks at that flower* My gosh it's glowing.

Jonathan: Yeah, she calls it the "deflective flower". If I got hit with something painful, all it does is negate the damage done, and it will just deal the damage to the ones who caused it.

Charlemagne: Can I try it?

Jonathan: No.... You would get hurt if you tried, especially doing fatal damage, because it can make someone kill itself if they tried to do that to me, according to Domino.

Dorian: You're going to tell this to Molly don't ya?

Jonathan: Yes I would.

And later after taking some lecture, I went to the park because during my lunch break, Molly told me to go there to just chill and study.

Jonathan: Hi Molly.

Molly: Hiii Jonathan!...

Jonathan: I want to tell you that I met Domino yesterday.

Molly: You did? Well what did she gave you?

Jonathan: I got the deflective flower, which is quite useless when I don't put myself in harm's way. I got one of the blossoms and what it does is that it negates the damage done, and it will just deal the damage to the ones who caused it. It's pointless if I don't get hurt a lot.

Molly: Well don't you remember that both of us almost died fighting your inner demons?

Jonathan: Oh right... That one... Yeah but what other dangers that is going to happen?

Molly: L.A. is going through a lot of gang issues. You know, like what Marjorines father joined?

Jonathan: Well what are the chances that we would encounter one?

Molly: Well, not much, but there are hotspots like dark alleyways.

Jonathan: The best thing to do is don't go there. But then.... I remember that what happened to us before wasn't expected, so it would be used in the future.

Molly: By the way, is this the only flower you harvested?

Jonathan: Well there are still some growing buds, so maybe in Christmas I would give you one as a present.

Molly: Well, let's just wait it out. For now, can we study?

Jonathan: Yeah, sure mate.

Deep Sixed: Extended EditionWhere stories live. Discover now