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I honestly learned to tone out Amelia's stupid comments, I just continued straightening my already straight hair, I didn't wanna risk any unwanted curls coming out.

Especially not during a party.

"Okay I so have to borrow this top!" Alana walked out my closet holding up a pink top I completely forgot I had.

"Go right ahead." I responded dryly. I didn't care for pink anything, but I occasionally had to wear it or people would think i'm gothic or something.

"Should I do eyeliner? I feel like i'd look really good with it." I hopped up from my bed and walked over to my vanity.

"Isn't eyeliner for like... goths." Amelia cringed.

"It is? Gross." I dropped the tube when in actuality I wanted to wear it more than anything.

I sometimes dreamed of a life where I didn't care about what anyone said, I just wore, did, and listened to whatever I wanted.

I was so sick of Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift.

I wore a silver dress with a slit at the thigh and matching heels.

Once everyone was done I drove us to the party, listening to nothing but white girl music on the way there.

I just got to the party and couldn't wait to leave.

"Jesus, Ari, you're gonna get alcohol poisoning." Alana sighed, taking the drink out of my hand making it spill everywhere.

"Let's dance!" I gasped.

"No, no, no, no."

I dragged her along with me to the dance floor, sloppily dancing to the beat of whatever song was playing at the time.

One minute I was laughing with my friend and the other someone was gripping on my waist.

I glanced up and saw Cane, automatically slapping his hands away. "Hands off asshole."

"C'mon Ari, y'know i'd never leak those photos. They're just between us." He slurred.

"Then who did? Hmm?" I tilted my head.

"Probably that fat ex-best-friend of yours. She was always so possessive and jealous of you. Plus she still has my socials logged in." Cane accused.

Charlotte fucking Evergreen.

I couldn't wait to get my hands on her.

"Y'know you're my favorite girl, i'd never do that to you." He leaned into my ear.

I felt his hands back on my body, squeezing to an uncomfortable extent.

"Get off of me, you just want a quick fuck." I scoffed.

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