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CHEER CAPTAIN ELECTION WAS GETTING decided tomorrow. Me being nervous was an understatement, I was so close to shitting my pants.

"Vote me for cheer captain." I faked a smile while handing another person my flyer.

I gasped in offense when they crumbled it up and threw it in the trash can. Cunt! I couldn't believe it... my popularity was declining.

Even saying that in my head made me panic.

I flinched when an arm wrapped around my waist, calming when I seen it was just Kai.

"You look like you just shit yourself." He snickered.

I didn't respond because I was quite literally fighting back tears. He noticed this and stopped in his tracks.

"What the hell happened?"

"I—I'm not popular anymore." I sniffled my noses

His sympathetic expression dropped immediately and he sucked his teeth, walking away from me.

"What are doing? You're supposed to be holding my fucking hand." I whisper-shouted.

"I don't know why I thought you were different now, of course you're crying because you're not popular." Kai shook his head.

He didn't understand. No one understood.

"Oh fuck you! You're so fucking judgment! My names Kai Rivera and i'm so mysterious and I hate people who actually cares about their future!" I mocked him.

"There's people who have actual problems, Ariana! People who have to fight every single day of their fucking life! Something you wouldn't know about because you're a spoiled little brat—

I sent my hand to his face immediately, too angry to care that his face was burning red.  "I fucking hate you!"

"The feelings mutual."

The plan was officially off. Not because dozens of people just saw us fight but because I couldn't stand him.

All he knew how to do was judge people, he always assumed that his life was the only ones going to shit.

Popularity was the only thing I had left. If everyone didn't like me then I didn't feel good enough for anyone.

I hated myself.

I hated every fucking thing about me, my stupid hair, my stupider brain and my stupidest body.

But none of that mattered because in the end I was just the spoiled rich girl who everyone adored... not anymore.

I cried my eyes out in the bathroom stall, groaning in defeat when the roll of tissue was empty. Now I looked as bad as I felt.

I pushed down on the sink button and used the water to wash the mascara from underneath my eyes.

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