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I understood why Ariana hated me, I hated her spoiled ass too, but regardless of our hatred I still would've thought we could've wrote this song together.

But it was literally impossible.

I sighed in relief as Ariana finally exited the last period of the day. We both connected our hands uncomfortably.

"No guy liner today? I'm shocked, emo." She teased.

"I didn't know you'd missed it so much. I'll be sure to wear it again tomorrow just for you." I winked

"Fuck yourself."

"I already did."

I chuckled when she dramatically pulled her hand away, she excused herself to the bathroom and I waited outside like a boyfriend would do.

While I was waiting a blonde girl with a creepily wide smile walked over to me.

"Hey, I love your shirt, Korn is my favorite artist." The girl beamed.

She looked oddly familiar to me, that's when it hit me, this was the girl that pretty girl hated. I think she slept with Cane or something like that.

Why was she talking to me?

I dropped my expression entirely and looked at with zero interest.

"Anyway I was wondering if you-

"I have a girlfriend." I cut her off immediately and thankfully Ariana walked out of the bathroom seconds later.

She noticed Charlotte, glaring her. "Kai, we should go now we have that love song to work on remember?"

"Yeah... let's go." I played alone, wrapping an arm around her shoulder before walking away.

I noticed Ariana's breathing pattern change completely and her eyes refused to meet mine.

"You okay?" I leaned down to meet with her face.

"I'm fine." She quickly wiped her eyes. "I just fucking hate that bitch."

"Make that two of us now."



"How can I breathe? How can I live? How can I love someone like I am? Swept on my feet I knew we wouldn't last. But we're breaking odds like you knew we can." Ariana sung.

It wasn't much but it was progress.

A knocking on my front door broke the comforting silence, thinking it was the previously ordered pizza I open it but I was wrong.

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