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I WAS ABSOLUTELY LOVING THE SINGLE LIFE. No overprotective and narcissistic boyfriend, or having to fake orgasms. Life was great.

"I think i'm in capable of functioning without Cane." I admitted, applying on cherry flavored lipgloss as I stared into the girl's bathroom mirror.

"That's not true. You're thriving right now!" Alana lied to try and make me feel better.

But it was obvious I was doing the opposite of thriving, the good news was I was three pounds lighter. 2 more to go.

"I'd kill for that lipgloss." Amelia completely changed the subject

Our conversation got cut short by someone entering the bathroom, it was a pretty red-head girl that had down syndrome.

She minded her buisness and went in the handicap stall but even still Amelia found someone funny.

Both me and Alana turned to her with disgusted expressions. "Stop being a fucking bully."

Amelia bit the inside of her cheek when the girl exited the bathroom, standing by me to wash her hands.

"I love your lipgloss." She complimented.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Actually... it'll look a lot better on you. Here have it."

Ameila's gasp made me even happier about giving the girl my lip gloss.

"Really? You don't have to." She mumbled shyly.

"Oh please, I have like a hundred more. I could apply it for you if you want?" I offered.

"Yes! I'd love that!"

I opened the tube, pulling out the wand and apply the gloss over the top and bottom of her lips carefully.

The girl popped her lips before looking in the mirror. "Pretty?"

"The prettiest."


I NEVER WOULD'VE SEEN THE DAY WHERE I, Ariana Levine, needed a man. The world must really be coming to an end.

"Uhm, Ariana?"

I snapped my attention from the back of Kai's head and faced it on my music teach who was staring at me with raised eyebrows.

"Are you with me? Or do you wanna stare at Mr. Rivera some more."

No he fucking didn't.

Students chuckled at his words but I was beyond humiliated. I wasn't even staring... just slightly glancing for a long period of time.

Who could blame the tho? Who hair looks that good during school?

"Anyway... where were we?" He continued. "Right the duet project. I expect one person to learn and sing the lyrics and the other to play the instrumentals. Everyone understand?"

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