𝟏. 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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Saturday, June, 1988

The loud buzzing sound of the alarm clock abruptly woke her up from her deep slumber. Letting out a weary groan, she reached over to her nightstand and forcefully pressed the snooze button to silence the annoying noise. Glancing at the digital display, she saw that it was already 8am, the designated time for her to start her day and head to work. Slowly, she rolled out of bed, her body still heavy with sleep, and stumbled her way towards the disheveled pile of clothes scattered across her bedroom floor. The light sounds of the heavy rain outside thudding against the window of their apartment.

With a sense of half-consciousness, she rummaged through the chaotic mess of clothes, tossing them in search of her work uniform. Among the tangled mess, her eyes caught sight of a vibrant red shirt and a pair of sleek black jeans. The shirt bore a pin that proudly displayed the name "Joe's Record Shop", a somewhat shitty name for a store, but one that held a special place in her heart. Despite its shitty name, she found joy and fulfillment in working there.

As she stood before her mirror, she let out an irritated groan, rubbing her tired eyes in an attempt to wake herself up fully. Her friend Adriana still asleep in her own room, her friend remained blissfully asleep, likely lost in dreams revolving around rockstar Axl Rose or some other weird fascination of hers.

She swiftly removed her shirt, leaving herself only in a black bra. Then, she proceeded to put on a red short-sleeve button-up collared shirt. Carefully buttoning up the shirt, she observed herself in the mirror, ensuring everything looked perfect. After that, she unfastened her shorts and replaced them with tight-fitting black jeans that accentuated her thighs. Letting out a sigh, she made her way into the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth. The next step was applying perfume and deodorant, adding a touch of freshness to her appearance. Finally, feeling prepared and ready for the day, she glanced back into her room to check the time on the digital clock. It read 8:20.

*Shit shit shit." Panic rushed through her as she realized she was running late. She hastily slipped on her everyday black Converse shoes before quickly returning to her room to grab her bag. As she hurried down the hallway, she unintentionally made some noise, causing her roommate Adriana to emerge from her room in a groggy and sleepy state. "You're so fucking loud," Adriana mumbled, clearly annoyed by the disturbance. Ignoring the comment, she retorted, "I don't care, Adriana. Go back to bed. I have to go to work." In a rush, she grabbed her keys and dashed out the door, not even bothering to eat breakfast. She planned on grabbing something to eat during her break.

she worked two jobs, one during the week and another on weekends. She enjoyed working two jobs, as it provided her with a sense of fulfillment and allowed her to earn a decent income. However, at times, it could be a bit overwhelming. On the weekends, she had the luxury of not having to go to work until the evening, usually around 7 or 6 pm, since she worked at a bar. well it was a strip club that her friend adriana worked at but the bar in the club. During the weekdays, she also worked in the evening sometimes, but only for a few hours. the days she would work both jobs, she had a routine that involved visiting the record shop at 8 am and returning home at 4 pm. After a short break, she would then prepare herself for her evening shift at 6 pm.

She's rushed out her car, the rain falling down from the dark gloomy sky. She rushed to the door, her keys in hand. opening the door. As she entered, the bell above the door rung, announcing her arrival. entering the store, it was quite dark, as Joe, her manager and owner of the store, hadn't arrived yet. She walked behind the counter, trying her best to navigate in the dim light. Flicking on the lights, the store came to life, illuminating its contents. She put down her bag and proceed to flip the sign to open, signaling the start of another long day.


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their apartment layout

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