𝟐𝟐. 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫.

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June, Tuesday 1988

"jeez girl where ya pants at?" Duff said with a grin. "I mean not that I'm complaining, just asking." I rolled my eyes. "i didn't know you guys were coming." I said as I groaned quietly. Izzy standing there with a cigarette between his fingers, slash was just staring. My eyes caught his for a moment before I saw him look off. And Steven was smiling.  Opening the door so they could come in before quickly walking off to my room. I could hear duffs and axls whispers and giggles. I felt embarrassed but annoyed.

"jeez girl where ya pants at?" Duff said with a grin. "I mean not that I'm complaining, just asking." I rolled my eyes. "i didn't know you guys were coming." I said as I groaned quietly. Izzy standing there with a cigarette between his fingers, slash was just staring. My eyes caught his for a moment before I saw him look off. And Steven was smiling.  Opening the door so they could come in before quickly walking off to my room. I could hear duffs and axls whispers and giggles. I felt embarrassed but annoyed.

I went into my room, I opened my drawer as I pulled out a pair of black sweatpants. Slipping into them, I ventured back into the shared living space of the house. What greeted me was an unexpected sight; they were all sprawled out on the couch and floor, having already made themselves quite at home. I couldn't help but let out a huff.

"Right... just come into my house and-" I trailed off, my voice tinged with disbelief and a hint of annoyance, before finally muttering, "Whatever."

"Look, we can leave if you're going to be a fucking brat about it," a familiar voice chimed in. It was Slash. His voice carried a playful undertone, laced with a smidge of meanness. I rolled my eyes in response. It was jarring, the way he could attempt to kiss me one night and then act so nonchalantly the next day.

"No, I said it's whatever." I replied, my voice laced with a growing irritation.

"Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?" Axl interjected, causing a ripple of laughter to spread across the room. I sighed, my patience wearing thin.

Setting down the towel I had been clutching, initially intended for wiping down the counter in the kitchen area, I turned to face them. "You know, you guys have a lot of nerve barging in here when I can just as easily kick you right back out," I said, my voice heavy with annoyance.

"But you won't," Duff remarked, his voice coated in smug satisfaction. He was laying on the couch with an air of arrogance, clearly enjoying the situation. "Because you love us too much." His statement was met with chuckles from the others.

I rolled my eyes again, choosing to ignore his taunt.

Slash and Axl were engaged in a heated debate over the latest album they were working on, while Izzy was laying on the couch, his sunglasses were on so I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not.  Steven was flicking through a magazine that had been laying on my coffee table with duff as they giggled and made comments. It was a familiar sight, one that I had already grown used to in a matter of time. Despite their infuriating ability to invade my personal space, I couldn't deny the sense of comfort they brought with them.

I took a deep breath. "Okay, you guys win," I finally said, my voice softer now. "Just... try to keep it down, alright? I don't people complaining."

Their grins were answer enough. Settling back into the chaos, I knew, as much as they got on my nerves, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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