𝟐𝟎. 𝐀 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝟐

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7:32. 10 minutes till Amira got there.


slash's pov.

huddled around the fire, the night air filled with the crackling sound and the faint smell of burning wood. I was sitting, a bottle of beer held loosely in my hand, engaged in conversation with Axl. As we talked, I found one of my hands absent-mindedly playing with the frayed edges of a rip in the knee of my dark blue jeans. My eyes would occasionally flicker away from the fire, to the direction of the dusty road. I was waiting, hoping to catch the familiar glow of headlights. Perhaps they would be the headlights of Amira's car. I glanced down at the wristwatch adorning my wrist, the hands indicating that it was 7:35. Would she make it? I wondered. Is she on her way? The anticipation was building, a mix of hope and anxiety. But not really caring. I mean she's just like every other girl I've seen. My eyes returned to my watch. 7:37. The night was slipping away, so was my sobriety, now on my fourth bottle of beer.

"dude stop looking at your fucking watch. She's probably just late" axl mumbled. Running a hand through his hair as he sat up little. I looked over at him, rolling my eyes. "fuck are you talking about." I murmured. Tossing the empty beer bottle beside my foot. "Hey don't forget to pick that up" Izzy mumbled from the other side of the fire as he talked with Steven and duff. Smoking a cigarette. I looked at my watch one last time. 7:42. That's when I saw in the corner of my eye the bright flash of headlights. Amira. Axls head turning to look at the car, not paying mind to them. I started talking to axl again. My eyes flicking to behind his head so often. watching as Amira stepped out the drivers seat. Another girl with her. Who's that? God I thought It was just gonna be her.

Amira and her "friend" or whoever she was. slowly approached the fire, the uneven rocks crunching under their shoes, but my focus was undoubtedly on Amira. Her face was dimmly illuminated by the flickering flames, highlighting her sharp features and the sparkle in her eyes. The smile that adorned her face was infectious.


Amira's pov.

my back laying against his bed. Staring up at the roof. My vision blurry and head spinning. It's like I wasn't in my right mindset. I was overreacting, I know I was. But it had just been, so long since I drunk. Drugs and all that is diferent. But I missed the feeling of being drunk every day after my shift at the bar. I must've been laying back for a couple minutes cause when i sat back up literally everyone was in his room. Duff was drunk, Steven was stoned. Axl was mad for some reason, and Izzy. Izzy was just there like always. "d-dude you smoked it already?" Duff slurred. "Yes I fucking smoked it." "Your fat ass- both you fat asses ate the whole thing" "it's a fucking joint not a cheeseburger"

"What are you guys like fucking in here or something" axl said with his regular axl tone. Referring to me and slash. I sat up. My look going to one of confused and annoyed. "no one's fucking no one!" Slash said.
Groaning as he rubbed his eyes. "I wanna go home" I grumbled as I rubbed my face. This was too chaotic, but also funny. But also, once again. Chaotic, everyone's voice overlapping and the yelling. Bickering and hitting.

Ignoring the ongoing argument, I forced myself to stand, using the bed as my support. My mind seemed to be in a blur, the alcohol in my system making it hard for me to focus. "I'm going home," I repeated to say, my voice barely audible over the raucous bickering and heated exchanges. I felt Slash's eyes on me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I mean i could, I just didn't feel like it.
Stumbling slightly, I made my way towards the door, attempting to navigate through the 4 guys that had somehow crammed themselves into the small room. The noise, the heat, the chaos, I needed to leave it all. My steps felt heavy, each movement a struggle.
As I finally reached the door, I paused, glancing back only once. I caught sight of Slash, his usually guarded expression replaced with one of gentleness. His eyes met mine, for a brief moment, before I turned, stepping out into the cool night.
The sudden quietness outside was jarring after the noise inside. I stood there for a moment, taking in a deep breath of the night air, letting the chill run through me. The alcohol-induced haze was still there, but the fresh air was starting to clear my head.

With shaky steps, I started making my way to the car. God damn it, I forgot Adriana took the fucking Car. The gravel crunched under my feet, the sound oddly comforting in the silence.
Walking felt like a difficult task, but I pressed on. Beginning to walk, stumble to the sidewalk.
Before I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I flinched a bit. Shit I didn't even hear them. I turned.
Looking up to meet light greenish hazel eyes. I blinked a couple times. It wasn't slash. It was Izzy.
His black shaggy hair, long black coat. His usual looking attire. He didn't seem stoned or drunk. Just normal Izzy. "Need a ride?" I sighed softly and nodded.


Izzy helped me into the passenger seat of his car with a gentleness that I hadn't expected.
His movements were steady and reassuring, providing a stark contrast to the chaotic state of my own mind. The door closed with a soft thud.
The interior of the car was warm and inviting, the soft glow of the dashboard lights illuminating Izzy's face. He started the car, the engine humming. The drive home was quiet, the only sound being the occasional hum of the car as It made its way down the empty streets and the radio faintly playing on a random station. The silence wasn't uncomfortable though, rather, it was a welcome respite from the chaos of the night. It was a peaceful stillness. As I looked out the window at the passing city lights, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. The flickering lights blurred into streaks as we sped by, creating a mesmerizing display of colors and shapes. Each passing light seemed to take with It a plece of the chaos and turmoll from the night, leaving behind a sense of serenity in its wake.
I leaned my head against the cool glass of the window, letting the rhythm of the car lull me into a state of drowsiness. My eyelids felt heavy and I could feel sleep tugging at the edges of my consciousness.
"Almost there," Izzy's voice broke through the silence, his tone soft. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. The rest of the drive passed in silence, the hum of the car and the flickering city lights lulling me into a sense of calm I hadn't felt in a long time.
As the car pulled up to my house, I thanked Izzy for the ride. He simply nodded, his light green eyes meeting mine in a silent understanding. He didn't ask questions, didn't try to pry. He just drove me home, providing a quiet companionship that I didn't know I needed.
Stepping out of the car, I took one last look at Izzy before closing the door. The calm of the drive home still lingered, a comforting presence in the stillness of the night. And with that, made my way to the front door, the gravel crunching under my feet as I walked.

Unlocking the door, I stepped into the quiet sanctuary of my house. Adriana had seemed to already be asleep. I mean considering it was last 1am. The soft hum of the refrigerator from the kitchen and the faint tick-tock of the old wall clock were the only sounds that greeted me.
I stumbled to the fridge. Bumping into some stuff, making it clatter and fall over. Silently yelling and hitting the air. Yknow what I give up. Im going to bed.

Making my way to my room, I flicked on the light switch. The room was bathed in a warm, soft glow from the flickering lone light bulb hanging from the ceiling. i squinted my eyes. Too bright. Turning off the light.
Inside my room, I kicked off my shoes, the noise echoing in the stillness. The room was a mess, clothes littered around, an empty cigarette packet. Not one, multiple. on the nightstand, the bed unmade - a reflection of the life I led. I didn't mind the mess though, it was my mess, and it was comforting in its own way. And also I just didn't feel like cleaning.
I fell onto the bed, not bothering to change out of my clothes besides pulling off my jeans. Just in a white tank top and my underwear. The softness of the mattress was a welcome relief to my tired body. I stared at the ceiling, my mind racing, replaying the night. The laughter, the fights, the awkward silences, slash. Scratch all that.

Jeez he was the only thing on my mind.

The moment when we sat on his bed. I knew he was gonna kiss me. But why did he push me away.
As sleep started to claim me, my thoughts started to drift.
With a soft sigh, I closed my eyes, letting sleep wash over me. As I drifted off,

the last thing that crossed my mind was slash.

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠- 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏.Where stories live. Discover now