𝟕. 𝐀 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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Monday 6-4-88

In the hazy early hours of the morning, I found myself finally awakening. I rubbed my sleep-filled eyes, grumbling tiredly in the quiet of the dawn. Despite the overwhelming desire to let sleep reclaim me, I knew I had to face the day, I sat up in bed, mindful not to make any sudden movements that might send my head spinning. My stomach growled, urging me to get up, to eat. However, but when remembering last time i checked our kitchen was like a fucking-desert. I muttered a string of curse words under my breath, my irritation now fully awake.

Dragging my feet along the hallway, I made my way to Adriana's room. Banging on her door with more force than necessary, I yelled, "FOOD RUN!" The hope was that the sudden noise would startle her awake - I always found her morning grumpiness rather amusing. I checked the time, it was approaching 11, which meant no work for the day - a small victory to celebrate. "CMON CHOP CHOP DONT BE LATE" i yelled again and banged on her door once more before chuckling quietly.

Retreating to my room, I sifted through my wardrobe to find an acceptable outfit for our grocery store run. I settled on a pair of black jean shorts, a worn-out band tee, and my trusty black leather jacket. It was simple, but decent enough. My dark brown hair was in a wild disarray, but I didn't bother to brush it out - it added a certain charm.

The sound of Adriana stomping down the hallway interrupted my thoughts. She knocked on my door, and as it swung open, she greeted me with her usual morning charm, "Let's go, you little turd." And just like that, we were off on our food run.


once we finished our grocery run i decided to head to the record shop i worked at to grab a cd or two i wanted. i walked in. the bell ringing. adriana was waiting in the car. "wazzup joe" i said with a small smile. his old self behind the counter looking bored. now he knew how i felt everyday. his grumpy face looking at me. i chuckled quietly as i walked to the cds, flipping through them. looking for one in particular.. i felt someone's presence near me. i turned to look at me. jumping a bit at the sudden movement. i pushed the guys shoulder lightly. "jesus you scared me." i mumbled. he just smirked, "you should listen to that one." he said. his voice raspy and kinda hot. i mean, he was hot. i looked up at him and raised a eyebrow. he had black shaggy hair and had sunglasses on his head. i looked down at the cd he was pointing at. "appetite for destruction?" i said. my voice a bit amused but curious. i heard a small hmph. leave his mouth as a yes. i shrugged.

and then he just walked off? "eh whatever." i murmured. not getting the cd. putting it back, the cover looked pretty cool though. the skulls and shit. but i decided some other time. i was getting two right now. motley crue, 'too fast for love', and aerosmith 'toys in the attic. i walked out the isle, no sight of the guy. damn it, i wanted to atleast get his number or something. i slid the cds on the counter. "how was your day today joee?" i said. looking up at him with a playful smile as i leaned against the counter. he gave me a glance. i chuckled. "yeah- yeah same joe." "so- can i get a employe discount?". i said as he put the cds in the small bag. "get out the store amira." he said. his grumpy mood. i mean he was a old man, he always acted like this. i smiled and tapped the counter, grabbing the bag before walking out. "byee see you sometime this week!" i yelled to him as i walked out, and back to the car.

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