𝟔. 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐣𝐨𝐛

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Sunday 6-3-88

The next day, Amira found herself sitting in the cozy kitchen, perched on a comfortable stool while savoring a steaming cup of coffee. Her mind was still fuzzy from the events of the previous night, but one thing remained clear - she had been fired from her job. As she absentmindedly scanned the newspaper spread out before her, memories of the previous evening eluded her, leaving only a sense of frustration and disappointment.
Glancing at the clock on the wall, Amira realized it was already 10 in the morning. She was notorious for her late mornings, preferring to embrace the comfort of her bed for as long as possible. Just then, she heard the sound of footsteps echoing through the hallway, signaling Adriana's groggy arrival. Adriana, with her tousled hair and sleepy eyes, joined Amira in the kitchen, reaching for a mug from the cabinet and pouring the remaining coffee from the pot into her own cup.
In response to Adriana's presence, Amira couldn't help but express her affection through playful banter. With a hint of annoyance in her voice, she teasingly muttered, "Good morning, you sleepyhead." Despite her choice of words, it was clear that their relationship was built on a foundation of love and lighthearted teasing.
Balancing her coffee mug in one hand and a pen in the other, Amira turned her attention back to the newspaper, flipping it over to the backside. As she perused the list of job opportunities, a particular one caught her eye - a photographer position. Although the advertisement lacked specific details, the prospect of capturing moments through the lens intrigued her.

Lost in thought, Amira began circling the job listing with her pen, considering the possibilities and imagining herself behind the camera, creating beautiful images, but not sure what for.
I think I fount out what I really want to do," she said excitedly as she glanced over at Adriana.
Smiling and wiggling her eyebrows playfully, Adriana stared at her with a blank expression, clearly still tired. Amira got up from her seat, casually tossing the pen on the counter as she made her way into the cozy living room. Plopping down on the comfortable couch, she reached for the remote and turned on the television. Frustrated, she grunted as she switched through the channels, encountering glitches and static on half of them. Determined to fix the issue, she got up and walked towards the TV, fiddling with the antenna and hitting the tv aggressively. "Jesus," she thought to herself, "we really need a new TV, and honestly, a whole lot more." However, the reality was that she had just been fired and didn't have the funds for any major purchases at the moment. She sighed and returned to her spot on the couch, continuing to flip through the channels. Eventually, she landed on MTV and hummed with contentment as she watched. After a brief commercial break, she switched back to the channel and saw two men sitting on chairs. They were both quite attractive, with one sporting curly black hair and a top hat, flashing a charming smile. The other had orangish hair and was wearing sunglasses. The camera focused on the man with reddish hair, and words appeared on the screen: "W. AxI Rose." Amira's memory was jogged; she knew she had heard that name before. Just as she was processing this, Adriana hurriedly moved from her seat, squeaking with excitement and giggling. She sat down next to Amira, blurting out, "Oh my godddd," with a small smile and a hint of blush on her cheeks. It was clear that she liked the guy.

That's when it came to her head, axl rose. Adriana's all time crush now. She thinks maybe one day she'll run into him or the whole band since we live in la. I roll my eyes as we watched tv. A woman interviewing the whole band, Adriana wishing she had been the one interviewing them instead.

Later that night, after a long day, Adriana found herself in bed. And Amira sitting in the kitchen, reflecting on the various job opportunities she had come across. As she sat quietly in the kitchen, she carefully examined the jobs she had circled in the newspaper, contemplating which ones she wanted to apply for. Among the options, one particular job caught her attention - the position of a photographer. Intrigued, she eagerly grabbed the newspaper and made her way over to the home phone.
Standing in front of the phone, She felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as she dialed the number listed in the newspaper. The phone rang for what seemed like an eternity, and she started to doubt if anyone would answer at such a late hour. It was almost 10 at night, after all. As her doubts grew, she was suddenly taken aback when a voice finally picked up from the other side of the line.
"Lifelong Photography and Designs, how may I assist you?" a woman's voice greeted Amira.
Caught off guard, she stumbled over her words before finally managing to express her interest. "Yes! Hi, I would like to inquire about the open position for assisting with pictures and videos," She said, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness. In her anticipation, she found herself biting her nails gently and fiddling with the end of her shirt.
The woman on the other end of the line responded politely, "Of course. If you're interested in applying, we ask that you come to our office, hm let's see." She said, Amira hearing her flip some papers. Probably looking for when the next open appointment was. "Okay Mrs...?" Amira quickly introduced herself, "Amira. It's Amira. Alright, I will make sure to stop by your office tomorrow morning. Thank you." A small smile formed on her face as she anticipated the possibilities that lay ahead. "Okay, Amira. We look forward to seeing you tuesday, 3:30 pm, is that fine?" the woman replied. "Yeah, yeah it's fine." Amira said eagerly. "Okay great, see you then Amira," the woman said politely. before hanging up.

She smiled as she placed the phone back into the little holder. She giggled quietly and excitedly, ready for tomorrow to schedule the appointment and get back to working. Did she have any experience with cameras? Yes actually. She had done a photography class in her high school years, a couple years prior before she ran away. She had learned how to use cameras and certain types.

Amira walked back to her room, walking into her bathroom and to the shower as she turned it on. Closing her bathroom door before beginning to take her clothes off. Stepping into the shower as she let the hot water hit her body, sighing quietly in relief after this day? It's not like she didn't anything today besides sit around, but it was still refreshing for her. After a whole she got out, brushing her teeth and heading to bed. Excited for her appointment next week, ready to get back to work and make money.

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