𝟏𝟕. 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬?

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6-10.  Sunday 1988


In a fit of anger, I stormed off, and out the door. My keys and bag were clutched tightly in my hand. I went down the flight of stairs, each step echoing my mounting annoyance. The moon was up, casting a gentle glow over the parking lot which lay silent and deserted.
With measured steps, I made my way towards my car, parked in the The annoyance from Adriana's actions still simmered beneath my skin, tainting the tranquility of the night. As I reached my car, I unlocked it and slipped inside. It felt like a sanctuary, a place to escape from the world. I inserted the keys into the engine, taking a moment to steady my shaking hands. With a turn of the key, the engine roared to life, the sound echoing in the stillness.
I maneuvered the car out of the parking lot, leaving behind the place that held too many unsaid words. As I drove down the street, merging onto the highway, the grand city of LA unfolded before me. The city was a luminescent spectacle, with lights glittering like stars and towering buildings reaching for the sky.
Yet, even the allure of the city couldn't erase my irritation at Adriana. The anger and disappointment were a constant companion as I navigated the traffic. The thought of returning home was too overwhelming. So, I kept driving, letting the city lights guide me into the night, away from home and the problems waiting there.

I eventually parked somewhere. Down an empty alley, I had just been walking around town.
All the lights shining down, making it pretty. I had always loved late night walks, but never anyone to do it with since Adriana was scared. While I had been walking down the sidewalks and looking into the window of small shops. A hard shoulder bumped into mine. God damn that hurt. "watch where your goi- oh Amira?" I heard the familiar deep and raspy voice speak. looked up, meeting the cold blue eyes. It was axl, again. "Hey." I mumbled. Rubbing my shoulder a bit? He must've been able to tell by the look on my face I was still somewhat annoyed from earlier. "You good?" I sighed quietly. I was gonna say yeah, but to be honest I was still pretty pissed. "No." I huffed out quietly. "No I'm not fucking okay." "uhh okay then what's wrong?" He said. Axl was the type of guy to not give a shit about something but ask anyway. "It's my friend- she's just pissing me off."


eventually, somehow. I Bonded with axl a bit, I told him what happen and turns out I was right. He didn't give a shit, but I mean It felt kinda nice to just talk with someone since he kinda had the same personally as me. Mean and didn't care about things, i felt a little weird since i remembered he had a girlfriend, maybe I shouldn't be hanging out with him alone like this,
"Where's Erin?" I asked, Trying to play it off. I heard him grumble lowly, "Why?" He sounded kinda irritated, "I'm just asking? No need to get all mean now" I said, Putting my hands up as If I was saying, "I surrender!"

I heard him sigh, "Well don"t fucking ask cause It's none of your damn business." I scoffed quietly. Classic axl. "Okay dude chill." | mumbled as I rolled my eyes. I looked down at the small watch on my wrist. Reading 10:08. I rubbed my eyes, i was a little tired, "Hey I think I'm gonna head out and go home." "alright" he grumbled. Was this guy still mad?
I shrugged.

Waving before walking back to my car and off back home.

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠- 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏.Where stories live. Discover now