𝟏𝟖. 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫?

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Monday June, 1988

ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᵘᵗᶠⁱᵗ ˡᵒᵒᵏˢ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ⁱˢ ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ.

10:32 AM

it was pretty early in the morning, I sat bored behind the desk. Actually. It wasn't early, it was around 10. But to me it was early considering I woke up after 12 almost everyday when I didn't have work. But other than that, it was boring. I stood behind the counter. Fiddling with a pen and drawing small doodles on a notepad every so often. The bell rang almost every hour. Another old person, or glam/hippie/ I don't fucking know anymore, walking in.



Later that day, it was around 2:00. 10 minutes till my break, counting down the seconds, till it hit 2:10. That was when I heard the bell above the door chime again. I grumbled quietly. My back turned as I organized a couple of cds on the small desk behind me. "Welcome to joes, if you need any assistance feel free to ask." I said, more like a grumble. I was tired and wanting to go home. "Uh yeah, I'd like some assistance" I heard a familiar voice ring out. I turned my head. Meeting those gentle but firm dark brown eyes. My gaze had softened a bit. Slash. Oh jeez. I chuckled quietly. "Uh- hey." I said gently. My hands resting on the counter as I fiddled with my fingers a little nervously. A faint soft smirk plastered on his lips, "I didn't know you worked here" I heard him say. I smiled gently, "yeah, I've been working here for about 3 years now." I watched as his expression went from his normal look to a look of surprise. "3 years? Wow." I sighed softly and nodded. "Yup.." "I'm surprised I haven't seen you here before?" I scratched the top of my head. "Yeah, I haven't been working or going into work that much these past couple days since all the pictures and all that." I said softly as I fiddled with the pen that was laying on the counter. "Well every single time I came in before, with axl or whoever. There was always a old man behind the counter." He said with a soft grin and chuckle. I smiled softly. "Yeah, that must've been Joe. He's the owner of the store."

Looking at him, his gentle dark brown eyes. He wasn't wearing his top hat or sunglasses like he always did. Just a white tank top with some type of wording on it, black jeans and his boots. He chuckled quietly. Like he was thinking about something. Before I heard his voice speak again. "Hey.. so me and the guys are having a small party later. So if you wanted to come?" Looking at me like it was a one time offer, "Uhh sure, what time" "probably later in the evening around 7. I nodded gently. "okay wellll I'll try and make it" I said with a gentle smile as I looked up at him.
He nodded, and that was all he did before I heard the bell chime again once he left the store.


6:23 pm

I was in my room, scavenging through my closet to look for some type of shirt or outfit to wear for the little party or whatever shit later. I sighed quietly. Putting my hands on my hips before picking out a simple but cute outfit. A white tank top, with dark washed out blue flare. jeans

As I took one last look in the mirror, I felt a little flutter in my stomach. The anticipation of the evening was starting to get to me. My eyes scanned over my outfit once more, my brain buzzing with the usual insecurities. Was the tank top too casual? Did the jeans look okay? I shook my head, pushing those thoughts away. I knew I had a tendency to overthink these things.
I grabbed my jacket from where it was thrown carelessly on my bed, pulling it over my shoulders. It was a simple black leather jacket, a bit worn from use but still my favorite. It added a cool edge to my outfit, or at least I thought so. My hand reached for the small purse sitting on my dresser, checking quickly to make sure I had everything I needed: keys, wallet, and my cigs.
I glanced at the clock again, noticing the time. 6:52. It was nearly seven and I knew I should probably get going. I didn't want to be late, but I didn't wanna be there right at 7. That'd be kinda embarrassing. It was a delicate balance.
A low sigh escaped my lips as I walked towards the door, my heart pounding a little in my chest. This was just a casual party, nothing to be nervous about. I knew most of the people who would be there, and it wasn't like it was my first time hanging out with them. But there was something different about tonight. Maybe it was the way he had asked me, like it was a special invitation. Or maybe it was simply my overactive imagination playing tricks on me again.

As I was about the head out the door, Adriana already beat me to it. I looked at her. We had made up yesterday when I got back. "Where ya goin?" "To a party." I mumbled. "With who?"
"Why do you care?" I huffed annoyed. Just let me out the freaking door please. "Can I go?" I rolled my eyes. If I said no, I wouldn't hear the end of it. "Get your clothes on." I said annoyed

Now I was gonna be late.

what the outfit is suppose the look like

*not including all the other stuff with x on them*

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*not including all the other stuff with x on them*

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