𝟑. 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐬

133 3 0

Saturday June 1988


She stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel
tightly around her body and another one around her wet hair. As she walked to the sink, she used one towel to dry off her body, feeling the warmth against her skin. She picked up the clothes she had laid out earlier and quickly dressed herself, preparing for work. First, she applied deodorant, ensuring she stayed fresh throughout the night. Slipping on her black bra, the delicate lace details along the edges and straps, adding a touch of femininity to her outfit. Next, she put on her long-sleeved black button-up shirt, the required uniform for her job. Along with it, she wore black flex work jeans, pulling them up over her legs and buttoning them securely. Opening her drawer, she reached for the blow dryer to dry her still damp hair. She turned it on, feeling the warm air gently blow through her hair, gradually drying it. After about 5 minutes, she decided her hair was dry enough and ran a brush through it to ensure it was neat and presentable. She slipped on her regular black combat shoes, the ones she always wore when working at the bar, knowing they provided the necessary comfort and support for the long hours ahead. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was already 5:47. "Shit," she muttered under her breath.
This was typically the time when the city started to get busy, as many people finished work around 5 o'clock. Feeling a sense of urgency, she hurriedly returned to her room, grabbing her keys and wallet. "Come on, Adriana!" she called out to her roommate, making sure to rturn off all the lights and unplug any unused devices. As Adriana rushed out of her room with her clothes bag in hand, they both knew they had to leave quickly to beat the rush. Walking out the door and to the car.

Outside, the surroundings were still damp from the recent rain, and the sky remained gloomy, indicating the possibility of more rain later. In a hurry, they got into the car and quickly started the engine before embarking on their journey to the bar/strip club, or whatever it was. As they drove along the highway, the traffic seemed to be never-ending, causing frustration to build within her towards the seemingly foolish drivers on the road. "What a stupid fucker!
It's a fucking stop sign!" she yelled, honking her horn, with the car window rolled down.

The four-way intersection seemed to be a particular source of annoyance for her, as she continued to express her frustration. Meanwhile, Adriana, seated in the passenger seat, found amusement in her friend's rant as she shared details about a guy she had met during one of her private dances, possibly named Jason or something similar. Nevertheless, she continued to listen attentively to Adriana's ramblings about this mysterious guy. Amira's head leaned against the window, still carrying a trace of annoyance from the earlier encounter with the heavy traffic.

"Shut up," she mumbled to Adriana, not intending to be mean, but rather trying to concentrate as they had just pulled into the busy parking lot. She sat up straight, ensuring that she avoided any potential collisions with the surrounding vehicles. Observing the eagerness of everyone around them to enter the establishment, it was clear that the majority were men, although there were also some women who might be there for the bar or perhaps to meet someone.

They walked into the crowded strip, each going their separate ways as they navigated through the sea of people inside the building. Amira made her way to the bustling bar, while Adriana headed to the back room to join the other girls and hang out while they waited. As they entered, the clock read 6:38, and Amira quickly hurried behind the bar, trying to blend in as if she had been there the entire time.
"Amira. You're late," her manager's voice rang out from behind her. She tensed up, trying to come up with a lie. "Ermmm, no, sorry, man. been here the whole time," she replied, already taking someone's order. She turned around, looking up at her manager with a forced friendly smile before starting to prepare the drink, a martini. Carefully pouring all the ingredients and mixing them together, she handed it back to the customer.

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