𝟖. 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬?

66 3 0

Tuesday 6-5-88

i woke up that morning, a little early. eh a little too early. sitting in my room, around 7am. the interview wasn't till 3 but i was still stressed. i didn't know why, maybe cause i thought they were some big business. but they weren't and i knew that. i'm sighed, deciding to head to the kitchen to grab something to eat before having to go later. even though i'll probably get some more food on the way back.

As I made my way to the kitchen, the familiar smell of coffee greeted me, adriana was already up. i looked over, seeing her sitting in the living room watching mtv, again. I poured myself a cup and grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl, trying to settle my stomach that was churning with anticipation. I sat at the table, sipping my coffee and reading the newspaper to distract myself from the looming interview. Despite knowing that the company wasn't as big as I had initially thought, the pressure to make a good impression still weighed heavily on me. I tried to shake off the anxiety, reminding myself of all the preparation I had done in the days leading up to this moment. With a deep breath, I finished my breakfast and got ready to face the day ahead.



i was in the bathroom, pacing around and getting my stuff together. i decided to dress somewhat decent this time. a black long sleeve shirt and . my dark brown hair was straightened and falling over my shoulders. looking decent enough for a job interview. i sprayed some perfume and put deodorant on before i left. heading out to the parking lot and to my car, before getting in and driving off. a bit nervous but hoping it wouldn't be too hard and i'll get the job. i mean, a small business right? how bad could it be.


i sat there in the chair. looking around the room as the old lady flipped slowly through the papers. i thought the woman over the phone would interview me. but i was stuck with this old lady. my leg bounced gently, fiddling with my fingers before i heard her shaky raspy voice speak. she was for sure a cigarette grandma. i thought. "so, do you- you.." she murmured. looking down at the papers as she slowly wrote. "you got any experience with p-photos. and photography baby?" she asked. her sweet but shaky and raspy gentle voice spoke. i hesitated for a moment. "uh yeahh i do." a lie. "i did it for a while and still like taking pictures- and all that." another lie. i just needed this job. she nodded slowly. "well- yo-your hired. we just need some more people. and you look good to be one." she said. giving me another gentle shaky smile. i smiled. "thank you mrs.. mrs?" i questioned. "just call me rhonda dear." she said with a gentle smile. i nodded gently. "thanks rhonda." "well, that's pretty much settled. i'll just have to put together some stuff and give you a camera, but if you have one then you won't need it." "uhh- no i don't have one." i said. looking over at her as my leg lightly bounced. "alright then you'll have one provided for you."

well that wasn't hard.

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠- 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏.Where stories live. Discover now