𝟏𝟒. 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭. 𝟏

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6-10 Sunday 1988


I woke up that morning excited but also nervous. I woke up a little late. It was 11am. First thing i thought. 6pm. God, I need to remember. I can't be late or mess up what Rhonda said. I went downstairs into the kitchen, a bit bored since I still had a couple of hours until the photo shoot. It was Sunday, and I knew Adriana would be bugging me about it. She's been acting weird lately. I didn't know if something happened at work or something else, But she's never home, and she wouldn't talk to me when I asked about it. She would just get annoyed that I kept asking. But whatever, her problem, I didn't want to deal with her bullshit anway if she wanted to act like that. I sat down on one of the two chairs in front of the table where Adriana and I ate, staring out the window, not really knowing what I was going to do all day while I waited. Maybe just go on a walk or something. Jeez, the house was pretty quiet when Adriana wasn't here. I got back up and decided to head out and walk around the city since I really had nothing else to do. I walked to my room to get dressed before heading out.


1 fucking flew down the busy highway trying to get back home. It was 4:34. I knew the appointment was at 6 but i needed to get ready and everything as well. Once i got home, hurrying out of my car as i headed back up the stairs into the apartment. Unlocking the door, halfway to me opening the door the door swung open. Revealing Adriana. She was all smiley and her cheeks a bit flushed. I watched as her face softened, "oh i thought you had already left" I heard her say, my eyebrows furrowed a bit. "Uh- no I told you 6-" I got cut off by a deep voice calling out. "Who's that?" The fuck.. my face was somewhat confused and annoyed. "Who the hell?.." i whispered quietly. know I don't have time. I scoffed quietly, gently pushing her out the way and rushing to my room to get ready and change. Seeing a random ass guy on the couch. I recognized him, he was that's one Jason guy that Adriana kept talking about. I didn't care i had to get ready. "Where you going?" I heard her call out as I rushed into the bathroom to turn on the shower to take a quick shower. "The fucking photo shoot Adriana! I just fucking said it" I said. Frustrated at her stupid behavior. She always acted like this around certain people. Closing the bathroomdoor to mufffle out her and the guys voice. I needed to just calm down and chill out. I always got so stressed and frustrated when I was running Behind. I don't even remember what i was doing for the past couple hours. Walking down town and going into shops. Talking and shit. I don't remember the rest. I think maybe cause i smoked a little weed from a random guy on the sidewalk, but i mean, he looked cool so i mean who wouldn't?? But i had i spray myself down with some febreeez i had stolen out the small corner shop so that Adriana wouldn't whine and cry about me doing it. truth is, i had been getting back into doing all that drug shit after that whole incident at the bar. when adriana was out at work or just out doing stuff in general i would run and buy some shit from mark, he was my dealer. but anyways.

looked into the mirror, my reflection staring back at me. I could see the way my eyes were a bit stressed, the result of the day's annoyance, from random people and adriana, and the constant running around. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I needed to pull myself together. The photoshoot was important, and I couldn't afford to mess it up.
Ignoring the commotion from the living room, I turned my attention to getting ready. I first dried my hair, using the towel to squeeze out the excess water. The strands were still damp, but they'd dry soon enough. I looked around for my hair products, scattered haphazardly on the counter. I reached for the mousse, running it through my hair to add some volume.
Next, I moved on to my skin. I applied a thin layer of moisturizer, massaging it into my skin. I could feel the coolness of the lotion soothing my face, relaxing my tensed muscles. As I looked at my reflection, I could see a slight glow returning to my face.
Finally, I reached for my makeup bag. I worked on my eyes, i never wore much makeup, just eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss. applying a smoky eye shadow and finishing off with a touch of mascara. I looked at my reflection again, satisfied with how i looked.

1 pulled open my drawer, taking out my hair dryer. Plugging it up before the warm air blew in my hair, my hair blowing around. Brushing it, After I finished all that, I walked into my room.
Picking out an outfit, just a simple outfit. A dark red long sleeve shirt with simple dark red lace lightly lined around the collar of the shirt, and dark blue flared jeans, my black dirty ass converses and my bag. Then I was ready to go. Walking out my room, I already had my camera in the car so I didn't forget it. I walked out back to the Living room where Adriana and Jason were, I looked at her before walking up cause i did not have Time for her right now.
Walking out to my car, i checked my wristwatch that i had bought at the thrift store or like 10 bucks. It was already 5:34, Jesus Christ I needed to hurry.

i got in my car before driving off.

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