𝟐𝟏. 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫.

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Tuesday, June 1988.

I woke up. My head still lightly pounding as I slowly sat up. Groaning. God I was gonna have a massive hangover. I couldn't remember anything from last night. Checking the time on the small clock on My nightstand. 5:21. It was too early. Too early to be up, but I knew once I was up I couldn't go back to bed. Slowly getting up. Sighing softly as stretched my arms. Tired, my head pounding. God this was gonna be a long day.

Stumbling a little out of the bedroom, I navigated the dark, narrow hallway that led to the kitchen. the cold tiles under my bare feet offered some relief, a fleeting distraction from the hangover's grip.

Reaching the kitchen, I squinted against the harsh light as I flicked on the switch. The glassware on the shelves gleamed, reflecting the fluorescent light. I reached for a tall glass, filling it to the brim with cold tap water. The sound of rushing water was a symphony, a soothing balm to my frayed nerves.

Next, I rummaged through the medicine cabinet, searching for some relief. My fingers closed around a small plastic bottle - painkillers. It was my only hope against the relentless drumming in my skull. I popped a couple into my mouth, chasing them down with a gulp of water that was as refreshing as it was necessary.

The house was eerily quiet, the stillness only interrupted by the ticking of the wall clock. I could hear my own heartbeat. a steady rhythm that seemed to sync with the throbbing in my temples. Adriana was still asleep, surprisingly since she always woke up so early. I closed my eyes, leaning against the cool countertop, hoping for the painkillers to kick in.

I knew the day ahead would be a hard like every other day. The hangover was just the beginning, a cruel reminder of the previous night's excesses. But I had survived days like these before, and I knew I could do it again.


7:45 pm.

I was laying in bed. Watching tv, curled up in my blankets. My black curtains closed, making my room dark. Still tired, but feeling better than I had did earlier. Empty water bottle laying on my floor. I had finally showered and changed earlier. feeling more refreshed. I was home alone since Adriana had to go into work.

The silence of the house was a comfort, still reeling from the aftermath of my hangover. The bright screen from the televisions bright screen casting a ghostly glow in the dimly lit room. I flipped through the channels aimlessly, my mind still foggy and unfocused. The faint chatter of the television was the only noise filling the empty house.

The characters on the screen seemed distant, their problems insignificant compared to the drumming in my head that just wouldn't quit. I tried to focus on the plot, but my scattered thoughts kept pulling me away. The familiar faces and voices were just background noise to my own internal monologue.

The house felt strangely empty without Adriana. it always did. We had been living together for a while now and her presence had become a comforting constant.

As the hours ticked by, I found myself slowly slipping in and out of consciousness. The pain in my head was slowly subsiding, replaced by a wave of exhaustion. I could feel my eyelids growing heavy, the flickering television screen becoming blurry. My last thought before sleep claimed me was a silent prayer for a better tomorrow, free of hangovers.

That was before I heard a knock at the door. I groaned softly. I was so comfortable not wanting to get up. Siting there for a moment before hearing another knock. Not just one knock. I sounded like multiple. Once they started to get louder I groaned. Sitting up annoyed and walking out my room. My dark brown hair was in a ponytail. I was just in a red tank top and black panties. I hadn't bothered throwing my pajamas on earlier. Completely forgetting what I looked like. I grumbled under my breath annoyed as I unlocked the door and opened it. Looking up before my gaze softened.

My eyes meeting 5 familiar faces. Before I realized what I was wearing. My cheeks growing red.

"Now there's a view" axl murmured, his eyes roaming my body.

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠- 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏.Where stories live. Discover now