𝟏𝟗. 𝐀 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞

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Monday, June 1988

The faint music was playing from the radio as I drove. Adriana in the passenger seat, the mirror flap down as she put on her makeup, I looked over at her, rolling my eyes. "Really Adriana? We're probably not even gonna be there for long." I said with a slight scoff. She always tried to show off, it kinda pissed me off. I wasn't a bad friend, no I wasn't making fun of her. Adriana was just, weird sometimes. Looking for the street name that slash had gave me. Turning on a small road as I saw a beat up looking house. It wasn't bad, but also it wasn't the best. But I couldn't say much since I can barely afford rent. It was a bit chilly outside, they had a fire going in the front yard. The lawn chairs around it. I could already smell the alcohol and drugs.


It was around 7:40 by the time we got there. I parked the car, the headlights illuminating the worn-out facade of the house. The engine purred into silence as we stepped out, the crunch of gravel beneath our feet piercing the calmness of the night. Adriana stumbled slightly in her impractical high heels, I offered her my arm and she gratefully took it, her laughter ringing out and slicing through the quiet.

We made our way towards the fire, its crackling sounds and flickering light providing a beacon in the surrounding darkness. The smell of burning wood mingled with the scent of alcohol, cigarettes, and something stronger. As we got closer, the faint strains of music from a guitar and the low hum of conversation reached our ears, adding to the cacophony of sounds.

The lawn chairs were scattered haphazardly around the fire, and all silhouetted against the flames.

The first one to turn their head was Steven. His sweet smile, the dim light from the fire illuminating against his soft features. "Heyyy! Amira you made it" he said with a smile. Holding a bottle of beer in his hand. Watching as the rest of the guys turned to us as well. "Who's this?" Axl said. I watched as his eyes ran up and down her body. She was wearing Short light blue shorts and a light pink crop top with a jacket. I was about to speak, but she hurried and spoke herself. I couldn't help but grin a bit. Of course. "Adriana." She said with a soft smile, like a seductive smile. He nodded. Before turning to continue talking to Izzy. Duff sitting in the one of the lawn chairs smokings cigarette beside Steven. Adriana had walked off to sit and chat with axl. I stood there a little awkwardly. Before slash walked over.

"Hey, Amira," Slash's voice broke through my awkward silence, his signature rough tone offering a certain comfort in the otherwise unfamiliar setting. His eyes, hidden beneath the brim of his fluffy curly hair, were difficult to read. He was leaning casually against one of the lawn chairs. "Hey." I said as I gave him a gentle smile, looking up at him.

"Thought you might need this," he said, extending the beer towards me. I gratefully accepted the offer. that was all he said before walking off to continue talking with the other guys.

the crackling fire and the distant chatter serving as our background noise. I found myself stealing glances at him every so often. studying the way the fire danced on his features, casting an ethereal glow.

I followed his gaze as he talked and laughed, the smoke of his cigarette around him, his smile. God I couldn't take it. watching as Adriana animatedly chatted with Axl, her laughter occasionally filling the air. Steven and Duff seemed engrossed in their own conversation, their heads bent together in a secretive huddle.



As I sat next to Slash, a smile on my lips, I held a clear plastic cup containing the strong scent of vodka, the liquid sending a tingling sensation through my senses. It felt like I was spinning. the effects of the alcohol starting to take hold. Despite the dizziness and light-headedness, I found myself unable to resist the urge to keep drinking. Meanwhile, Adriana, a watchful presence by my side, observed me with a hint of concern in her eyes, silently ensuring that I stayed out of trouble. While everyone else was indulged in the drinks, Adriana decided to limit her intake, choosing to leave early leaving me alone.

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