𝟏𝟑. 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫

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Friday 6-8-88

I woke up that morning my head pounding and limbs hurting. I groaned quietly as I sat up on my bed. Looking around the room as if it was spinning I was dizzy and my head was pounding. I didn't remember anything from last night. I had drank too much. I looked down at my body. Seeing if I was just in my bra and shorts when the fuck did I change last night and I thought to myself how did I change if I was so drunk and could barely comprehend what anyone was saying I shrug to myself before struggling to get up. Walking to the kitchen waddling like a fucking penguin I stopped in my tracks. where the fuck was I going? I was supposed to go to the bathroom. I turned around and waddled back down the hallway. Enter the bathroom and opening the cabinet, taking out the pills of painkillers, and popping it into my mouth, filling my hands with sink water and swallowing it. I sighed softly. Going back into the kitchen.

I heard the answering machine click before Rhonda's voice spoke. "Hey sweetie, it's Rhonda. Please hurry and give me a call when you wake up or when you can, so I can go over the details for this week." I panicked. I hurried up and got up, going over to the phone, seeing that I had three missed calls. I sighed as I quickly called her back, the phone ringing. I heard her pick up the phone. "Hey, sorry I woke up late," I said. My voice was gentle but a bit tired, sounding groggy. "It's okay sweetheart, I'm glad you called me back. I just have to go over the details with you for Sunday." My eyes widened a bit as I quietly got annoyed with myself for forgetting it was literally this weekend. Well, next weekend, but whatever. "Uhh okay, hit me with it," I said, my finger twirling around the phone cord. "So on Sunday, you're going to head to the Apex Photo Studio. It's right down the street from the Troubadour and then once you get there - I already went over all the details with the producer - but then you're just going to take a couple of photos for them in front of the Troubadour," she said. I could hear her writing stuff down, her pen moving against the paper or notebook. I nodded, making sure to remember. "Yeah, and uh, what time again?" "Around 6, write it down, set an alarm, whatever, just don't forget okay? Next Sunday, big opportunity for you and our photo business," she said, her voice sweet but a bit serious about it. I couldn't let her down. I mean, a rock band? God, this was sick. A small smile appeared on my face, excited but a bit nervous. "Won't let you down, Rhonda. Again, thank you so much for all of this." "No problem sweetie, if you have any more questions, call me," she said. "I'll be sure to, bye!" I said, before hanging up with a smile.

i couldn't wait.

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠- 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏.Where stories live. Discover now