𝟏𝟓. 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭. 𝟐

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6-10 Sunday 1988

It was around 5:50 once I had finally pulled up to the big ass building. Quickly getting out my car as I hurried to gather my things. My camera strap over my neck and my keys stuffed in my pocket. I brushed my hair down a little and cleared my throat. Hurry hurry hurry. The sun was going down a little, the warm sky gleaming lightly. I speed walked to the glass door before gently opening it. The soft aroma around me, the light music playing. Sounded like elevator music. The woman behind the counter looked mean. The building was big as hell. I sighed, brushing my shirt off AGAIN, before going up to the counter. Some old rich white lady that looked rude. "Hi" I said, putting on a soft fake smile as I leaned against the counter. "Hello, how may I help you?" She said, her voice was surprisingly soft ane kind as she smiled gently at me. My face softened a little. "uh hey! I'm- I'm her for a photo shoot, for- uh Guns N' Roses at 6?" I said, my fingers tapping against my thighs gently. Swaying a little. God hurry up lady,

I looked down at the small watch on my wrist. 5:52. I watched as she looked down at her papers for like 20 seconds. "Oh yes. Amira?" "Yes that's me" "okay well, here's this necklace. So no one thinks your walking around here without permissions." She said as she handed me a little fabric necklace like those teachers wear with a card on them. I smiled gently and took it. "Thanks" "so it's gonna be on the 4th floor, about 5 doors down. And to the right, room 408" She said. "Thank you so much" I said gently with a soft smile. I turned and hurriedly made my way to the elevator. Clicking the button to open it. Didn't open. I clicked it again. Didn't open. Jesus freaking Christ, I hate elevators. I speed walked to the stairs. Quickly walking up the stairs. Not speed walking. I was fucking running up the stairs.

I saw the big sign beside the door that said "floor 4" I sighed, out a breath. Shit I was out of shape. Nah I wasn't I just didn't have good stamina. I looked back down at my watch. 5:54. OH MY FUCKING GOD. I breathed heavily. Brushing my hair and clothes down. Sighing softly. Before quickly walking out the staircase to the long hall. Speed walking down the hall. Till I saw the door, that read 408. I sighed.

Preparing myself before gently turning the doorknob. Some faint music playing. It smelt like cigarette smoke. people were talking. There was about 9 people in here. I heard the voices fade, heads turning to the door. I stood there. Like a deer in the headlights. God I didn't know anyone here, oh wait. Rhonda. Thank goodness she was here. "Oh hi sweetie" I heard her sweet shaky voice say, she was sitting on a chair next to a small table. "hi" I said softly with a small smile. i turned my head back, seeing the plain dark red backdrop. And then 5 guys standing there. Their heads turned and eyes staring at me. God what was this? A swarm of wasps. I faintly smiled at them, "your a bit late aren't you" I heard a deep raspy voice speaks coming from that group of 5 in the middle. Oh looky here, I recognized those blue eyes, it came from No other than Axl Rose. I scoffed quietly. "Cmon axIl give her a break man! It's 6:01. don't make our photographer quit again" I heard another boy say, damn that dude was tall. Their manager had went over who I was and what I'd be doing. Hearing a couple comments from them. It was around 6:10 now.

"enough chitchat can we just start?" a third one said. His hair black and shaggy. "Yeah lets start" I said. My voice a little annoyed.
"oh sweetie you don't have to use your camera they have some here." I heard Rhonda say. I nodded. "Alright" I mumbled. putting my camera down on the small table. Seeing the larger camera on the stand in front of the 5 guys. Oooh I knew this camera. I used one of these in high school, thank god. I cleared my throat quietly. Putting my bag beside me, looking at the Minolta maxxum 7000. Turning it on, looking at the small screen. My hand moving the lenses to focus it

"Kay..." I mumbled quietly. "You guys ready?" I asked. Peeking up above the camera as I looked at them. Axl in the middle, to his right was the tall blonde guy, next to the tall one, was a shorter blonde one with a sweet smile and fluffy hair. Aw. Then next to axl was one guy, he hadn't talked yet? Damn he was fucking hot. His curly hair and top hat. Okay Amira shut up and concentrate. Then next to him was the guy with shaggy black hair.

"Yeah" "mm" "uh huh". Was all I heard before the flutter and flash of the camera taking a picture. Taking a couple A small gentle little smile was on my lips. Looking at the small screen, the little previews of the pictures on the screen. ''nice" I whisper softly. Looking back up. Focusing the camera a little. In between the shots we made small talk, i got introduced to everyone and their names. They were pretty cool. A bit mean sometimes. Really towards each other, Axl a bit annoying with all his talking and always being mad. But overall they were nice.


after we had finished the shots. It was around 7:40. I sighed softly. Gently putting the lid back over the lense and turning off the camera. "great job" i said gently. I don't know why but I just felt so weird around them. Like I was normally mean and like attitudey. But I felt so vulnerable around them, maybe cause they're a bit older? Or guys. I don't know. I grabbed my bag gently. Sticking my keys in it. "Great job at taking the pictures." I heard Steven said, I turned to him and smiled gently. His sweet smile just, it just made me happy. "Yeah great job" Duff said with a little playful smile as he sipped a drink out of a clear plastic cup. It looked like apple juice. Never-mind it was vodka. I shook my head gently with a small smile.

"Sorry for gettin' mad I was just kinda annoyed before you came" I heard the deep voice speak from behind me. I turned to look up at him. My eyebrow slightly raised. "Eh it's fine don't worry about it." I said. "Okay" he said with a shrug of his shoulders before walking off. Talking with some girl.I recognized her, it was Erin everly. She was the one he wrote the song sweet child o mine about. she was a sweet girl. how could she put up with him though??. Whatever. I waved goodbye to them.

Walking out the door, and down the hall. I felt like I was forgetting something. That's when I heard the door open before I got to the staircase. Light footsteps trailing behind me as i turned around. "yo, you forgot your camera." I heard the light raspy voice say. God i recognized that voice. Slash. Jesus he was so- argh. His soft lips and fluffy hair.

The camera in his hand. Carelessly holding it. "hey carefull" i said, my voice a bit nervous but gentle. Reaching for it as he pulled it away. I looked up at him slightly annoyed and confused.
"What you think I'm gonna drop it?" "Yeah." He rolled his eyes.
pretending to let go and letting it drop sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "Quit gimmie it. I gotta go home" "cmon get it." He said as he handed it out to me. Before I grabbed it he lifted it up. Holding it above his head. I grunted. Looking up at it before at him annoyed. Seeing the playful teasing little look on his face. Reaching up on my tippy toes, almost having it. His annoying ass lifting it up higher. He was like 5'11. I was 5'3. Pretty short. But not that short compared to him. "Jesus give me the camera" i said. He chuckled, "here" he said as he handed it out with a small grin. I gently took it. "Thanks" I mumbled. Gently putting the camera strap around my neck so it hung. "Need a ride home?" "Nah I got my car" "alright then, I'll see you around." He said, a small smirk on his face as he gently waved. I softly waved back with a small smile. I turned around going back downstairs.

Holy FUCK.

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