𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 6

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As the days turned into weeks, and the weight of my solitude grew heavier, Rupert walked into the room with a tray of lunch. His presence brought a brief respite from the suffocating silence, and I acknowledged him with a nod.

"Ruvik, I brought some food for Rui," Rupert said, his warm smile offering a sense of comfort amidst the isolation.

I glanced at the closed door leading to the other room, where Rui was locked away. Her presence lingered in my mind, a constant reminder of the choices I had made and the consequences of my actions.

"Thank you, Rupert," I replied, my voice composed as I gestured for him to leave the tray on the table.

As he did so, Rupert's genuine concern for Rui couldn't be overlooked. He turned to me, his eyes filled with kindness. "How is Rui holding up, Ruvik?"

I hesitated for a moment, the weight of my decisions weighing heavily on my heart. "She's managing," I said quietly, my gaze drifting towards the door that separated us. "It's not easy for her, but she's trying to find solace in her writing."

Rupert's curiosity grew, and he hesitated before asking the question that had been on his mind. "You mentioned that she is the only one who can kill an immortal demon god like you. How is that possible?"

I glanced back at Rupert, contemplating how much to reveal. "Rui is special," I began cautiously. "There's something unique about her, something that sets her apart from others. She possesses a power that could be dangerous in the wrong hands."

His curiosity piqued, Rupert leaned in closer. "But why would she want to kill you, Ruvik? And why would you allow it?"

A mixture of sadness and guilt washed over me as I searched for the right words to explain the complexities of my existence. "Rupert, my past is shrouded in shadows and secrets," I replied, my voice tinged with emotion. "There are those who seek to end me, and perhaps for good reason. As for allowing it, it's not a matter of choice. My fate is entwined with that of other demons, and I cannot simply walk away from it."

Rui's presence in the adjacent room weighed heavily on my mind as I spoke, knowing that my actions had led to her current confinement. I couldn't escape the knowledge that I was responsible for her current predicament, a truth that filled me with both regret and a desire to protect her from the dangers that lurked beyond these walls.

As we continued our conversation, I found myself recounting fragments of my past, the shadows that haunted me, and the demons I had yet to confront. Rupert listened with unwavering support, offering a sense of understanding and empathy that I hadn't anticipated.

In the quiet moments that followed, I realised that I didn't have to face this eternal struggle alone. Rupert's companionship and empathy had opened a new door, one that led to the possibility of confronting my past and finding a path to a different future.

My heart raced as I approached Rui's room, carrying a tray of food. It had been 460 days since I locked her away, and the weight of my actions bore down on me. I knew I had to face her, to finally see the girl I had kept hidden for so long.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door, and there she was, sitting on the bed. But the sight of her shattered me. The fear and shock in her eyes were a painful reflection of the monster I had become in her eyes.

"I... I brought you lunch," I managed to say, my voice trembling. "Rui, I'm sorry. I never wanted things to turn out this way."

Silence enveloped the room, and her eyes refused to meet mine. The silence spoke volumes, and I felt every word of her unspoken pain.

"I know I hurt you, and I don't deserve forgiveness," I confessed, my voice breaking. "I thought I was protecting you, but I only caused you more suffering."

Placing the tray on the table, I stepped closer, longing to touch her, to feel some connection, but I understood her fear. I had locked her away, isolated her, and now I was the threat she dreaded.

"I won't force anything upon you," I whispered, taking another cautious step. "You're free now. If you want to leave, I won't stop you. I won't be your captor any longer."

Rui's eyes flickered with surprise, but she remained silent. I ached to hold her, to make things right, but I knew I had to give her space and time to heal.

"I'll do whatever it takes to make amends," I vowed, my voice filled with determination. "If you want me gone, I'll leave. But if you're willing to give me a chance, I'll strive to become the person you deserve."

Her gaze met mine briefly, and for an instant, I saw a glimmer of hope, a hint that perhaps redemption was within reach. It fueled my resolve to change and become the man she needed.

With a heavy heart, I stepped back, giving her room to process everything. Leaving the room, I closed the door behind me, knowing that the road to redemption would be arduous. But I was willing to walk it, no matter how long, to prove to Rui that I could be better.

As I walked away, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning – the first step on the journey to healing and redemption. I knew it would be a long and difficult path, but I was determined to take every step to become the person she could trust and love again.

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