𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 27

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As the day went by, I deliberately kept my distance from Ruvik, allowing the awkwardness between us to linger. It was a mixture of confusion, frustration, and a hint of something more that I wasn't ready to confront just yet. My focus was on work, keeping my mind occupied, and trying to decipher my own feelings.Around 8 in the evening, a knock on my bedroom door broke my concentration. I hesitated before opening it.

I opened it to find Ruvik standing there, his eyes a mix of concern and regret.

"Rui, please, at least have dinner," he implored softly. I sighed, torn between my hunger and the unresolved tension between us. Finally, my stomach won, and I reluctantly followed him to the kitchen.

He began, "Rui, I'm so sorry," but I chose to ignore his words, my attention shifting to a more immediate concern. "You still have a fever?" I inquired, my gaze fixed on him. His response was reassuring, a simple "no" that indicated he was feeling better.

I microwaved the happy meals that were left out since the morning, my original plan for us. Ruvik got sick, so I had switched to making soup instead. He must have seen the McDonald's bags and realized that I had ordered them earlier. My actions were contradictory, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and confusion.

As I prepared our food, he was about to speak, but before he could utter a word, I grabbed my plate, glass of water, and went back to my room, shutting him out. My body ached, a testament to the intensity of our last night. After a long day of avoiding him, my body and mind were both exhausted.

I ate my meal while watching "Brooklyn Nine-Nine." I needed the distraction. Once I finished eating, I lay down on my bed, my body sore and my mind racing with conflicting thoughts. It was difficult to ignore the attraction between us, but at the same time, I couldn't let myself get hurt again. The pain from this morning was still fresh, and I couldn't afford to let someone new into my heart so easily.

For an entire week, I consciously avoided any interaction with Ruvik. I went out for lunch and dinners alone, spending most of my time at Ryuk's place. Taylor was busy with her work, so I found solace in Ryuk's company. The fact that he was an old friend gave me a sense of familiarity and comfort during this tumultuous time.

One day, as Ryuk and I sat in his living room, the air heavy with unspoken concerns, he finally asked me, "What's been bothering you, Rui?" His concern was evident, and I appreciated the opportunity to finally unload my thoughts.

I opened up to him, recounting everything that had transpired between Ruvik and me. Ryuk's expression shifted from curiosity to anger as I spoke. He couldn't believe that I had let someone like Ruvik into my life, someone he considered potentially dangerous.

"How could you let him rent and live with you?" he exclaimed, his frustration palpable. "You could have been hurt, Rui!".

As I continued explaining, revealing that Ruvik and I had crossed a certain line, Ryuk's anger intensified. He couldn't fathom how I had allowed myself to get entangled with someone like Ruvik, someone who he perceived as using me.

His frustration hit a peak as I recounted the way Ruvik had talked to me, and Ryuk's voice became louder with each word. "How dare he talk to you like that? He has no right!".

His protectiveness over me was heartwarming, even if his anger was a bit overwhelming. Ryuk's genuine concern made me realize that I hadn't been alone in my struggle to process everything that had happened.

As the day turned into evening, Ryuk's anger began to subside, replaced with a more somber tone. "Rui, I just want you to be safe," he said, his voice softer now. "You deserve better than this."

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