𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 19

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After discovering the letter from the government, I couldn't shake off the curiosity about why they wanted to meet me. Was it because of Rina? Or was there something else they had in mind? The next morning, I decided to put an end to the suspense and headed to the illuminati office. The uncertainty was eating at me, and I needed answers.

The receptionist, Jenna, welcomed me with a nervous smile, her voice trembling as she said, "Mr. Ruvik, ma'am is waiting for you on floor 9." Her fear was evident in her stammering words and terrified expression. I couldn't help but wonder what could be so unsettling to evoke such a reaction from her.

I stepped into the elevator, pressing the button for the 9th floor. The ride was short, and as the doors slid open, a guard was waiting to escort me to the president's office. There, in front of me, sat a woman behind the desk, her nameplate boldly announcing her as Anastasia Cooper. I took the seat opposite her, my gaze lingering on her red hair and blue eyes.

Unable to resist a sarcastic remark, I quirked an eyebrow and said, "Well, well, well. I wasn't expecting a red head with blue eyes. Where's my friend Charles Bloom?".

Anastasia's icy demeanor matched her words. "Mr. Ruvik cifarelli, it's my first time meeting you. I've replaced Charles. I'm the new boss."

I leaned back in the chair, an amused smile tugging at my lips. "Ah, my apologies then, Anastasia. A pleasure to meet the new boss, indeed." My words dripped with a layer of faux politeness that only served to make the atmosphere more charged.

Anastasia's response was a raised eyebrow, clearly not one to be swayed by my charm. "Let's get straight to business, Mr. Ruvik. We've called you here for a reason."

I leaned forward, my tone tinged with mock eagerness. "Oh, please, do enlighten me, Anastasia. Why would the illustrious Illuminati want to have a chat with me?"

Anastasia's gaze remained steady as she explained the recent demon activities that had caught their attention. My interest deepened – the Illuminati's concern wasn't something to be taken lightly.

"As much as I enjoy our enlightening conversations," I quipped, "I can't help but wonder why the esteemed Illuminati needs my expertise this time."

My mind raced, considering if this was about Erica or Rina. She surprised me, stating that it was about neither of them.

"Ben was one of our good cops," she explained. "We offered him a job here and briefed him about the demons. Unfortunately, he took matters into his own hands and targeted Erica. His actions are his own, and we want nothing to do with that."

A wry smile played on my lips. "Well, well, Anastasia. That's quite the predicament."

"Why call me after 10 years, though?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Anastasia's expression grew more serious. "We have reason to believe that recent demon activities could potentially jeopardize the contract between your kind and the government."

My amusement didn't waver. "A contract conundrum, then?"

She nodded, her gaze intent. "Precisely. The balance we've worked hard to maintain could be at risk."

I leaned back, my tone taking on a dry humor. "Of course, we wouldn't want that."

Anastasia's eyes locked onto mine. "We're well aware of your... unique abilities, Mr. Ruvik. But we believe there might be something amiss that even your talents can't uncover."

I arched an eyebrow, intrigued by her choice of words. "Interesting. And what might that be?".

She gestured towards a folder on her desk. "Evidence that points to a discrepancy between what your abilities show and the actual events. Events that have the potential to shatter the very foundation of our agreement."

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