𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 20

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I was almost done with my book, and I felt happy and relieved. I wanted to celebrate, so I called Ryuk to come over to my place. I thought he could help me with the ending.

While waiting for Ryuk, I got some snacks ready and cleaned up my living room. But I couldn't forget about yesterday's meeting with Rupert. He was same around my age must be 22 or 23 , tall, fair, and good-looking, with nice black hair and really green eyes - like the bright green from Ben 10, the cartoon. Those eyes were so unique and unusual.

Those unique green eyes intrigued me, especially since Ruvik had distinctive yellow eyes. It was a peculiar coincidence that both of them had such uncommon eye colors. Wanting to learn more about this rarity, I started searching online to see how often people have yellow and green eyes. I just had to know more about this interesting mystery.

As I delved deeper into my research about rare eye colors, I couldn't shake off the curiosity about the uncanny similarity between Ruvik's yellow eyes and Rupert's Ben 10 green eyes. It was like a puzzle I needed to solve.

Thinking that their connection might reveal something, I decided to search for them on social media. I only knew Ruvik's first name, which made it difficult. I tried searching for "Ruvik" but the results were all over the place. Then, I thought of Rupert and searched for "Rupert Carlton."

I managed to find his social media profiles, but his Facebook page was pretty much a blank slate. His Instagram was set to private, so I took a chance and sent him a follow request. Maybe, just maybe, getting a glimpse into their online presence could help me uncover any potential links between them. The curiosity was gnawing at me, and I was determined to get some answers.

As we discussed the book, his insights and suggestions were like a breath of fresh air. It was like he could unravel the knots I was struggling with, and the excitement to write returned in full force.

Shifting in my seat, I decided to share something else on my mind. "You won't believe what happened yesterday..."

Ryuk leaned forward, intrigued. "Spill the beans."

I recounted the encounter with Rupert and Ruvik's sudden appearance, still perplexed by the odd turn of events. "It was like worlds colliding, you know? Their personalities are like night and day."

As I delved deeper into this whole eye color mystery, I started to wonder if I was just overthinking things. I mean, come on, how on earth could Ruvik and Rupert possibly be connected? They seemed like they came from different worlds.

Rupert, he was such a gentleman, always so funny and sweet. He's like the opposite of Ruvik in every way. Ruvik, well, he's... let's just say he's a bit of a character, and not exactly the warm and fuzzy type.

Maybe I was reading too much into things. Maybe those eye colors were just a coincidence, and there was no hidden connection between them. Sometimes, our minds just love to spin out wild theories, right? I decided to take a step back and not get lost in my own imagination.

The doorbell chimed, and I swung the door open to find Ryuk standing there, his usual charismatic grin lighting up his face. "Hey, Rui," he greeted, his voice smooth and inviting.

"Hey, come on in," I said, stepping aside to let him enter. As he walked in, I couldn't help but notice the way he carried himself, effortlessly exuding confidence.

We settled down in the living room, and I found myself appreciating the easy camaraderie we shared. "So, how's the book shaping up?" he asked, leaning back with a relaxed smile.

I sighed, my mind preoccupied with the twists and turns of my story. "Honestly, I'm grappling with the ending. It needs to be perfect."

Ryuk nodded thoughtfully, his gaze locked on mine. "Endings are tricky beasts. But you've got this, Rui. Trust your gut.”

WHEN THE DEVIL MEETS (BOOK1)Where stories live. Discover now