𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9

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My heart raced as I stood outside my room on the third floor, my mind wrestling with the unsettling revelation that the door was left unlocked. Confusion gnawed at me—did Ruvik leave it open on purpose, or had he simply forgotten to lock it? I couldn't fathom his intentions, but I knew I had to escape from this place.

With no time to waste, I hurried down the stairs, my steps hasty and nervous. As I descended, a faint noise caught my attention from the room on the second floor. Uncertain if it was Ruvik's or Rina's room, I approached cautiously. The sound of soft crying reached my ears, and my heart sank at the thought of someone else trapped here.

I attempted to open the door, but it was locked. Panic surged through me as I realized the woman inside might need help. Rushing back to my room on the third floor, I frantically searched for anything that could unlock the door. My eyes fell upon a safety pin in the bathroom, and I grasped it with trembling hands.

Returning to the locked door on the second floor, I inserted the pin and tried to pick the lock. My breath hitched with each failed attempt, but I refused to give up. Finally, the door clicked open, and I pushed it gently.

To my surprise, I was met with the sight of another woman inside. Her hair was a striking shade of blonde, and her eyes... her eyes were a deep, mesmerizing red. Despite the situation, I couldn't help but be taken aback by her beauty.

"Are you locked in here too?" I asked softly, concern evident in my voice.

She nodded, tears glistening in her crimson eyes.

A surge of empathy washed over me, knowing we were both victims of Ruvik's actions. "We need to get out of here," I urged, my voice determined. "Come with me, and we can find a way to escape together."

She hesitated, uncertainty etched on her face. "I'm scared," she admitted, her voice trembling.

"I understand," I replied, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "But we can't stay here. Together, we'll have a better chance of getting out and finding help."

After a moment of contemplation, she nodded, finding courage in my words. "Okay, let's do it."

As we made our way through the unfamiliar halls, I felt a newfound sense of strength in the company of this mysterious woman. We were both captives in this enigmatic place, but together, we would face the darkness that surrounded us.

With determination in our hearts, we embarked to uncover the truth and escape from Ruvik's grasp. The mysteries that awaited us were daunting, but the bond we forged in that moment of uncertainty would serve as a beacon of hope as we navigated the shadows that enveloped us.

As I and the girl, whose name I still didn't know, escaped the forest and ran on the road, we were filled with a mix of relief and apprehension. Luckily, a car stopped for us, and an old couple greeted us with warm smiles. I mustered up the courage to ask for their help, explaining that our car had broken down, and we needed to get home.

"Oh, dear! Of course, we'll help you," the old lady said kindly, patting my hand. "Hop in, and we'll take you wherever you need to go."

I exchanged a glance with the girl beside me, and we climbed into the car, grateful for the chance to escape the secluded house. The old man driving asked us where we wanted to go, and I had to think quickly. I couldn't return to my apartment with Taylor or my parents' house, as Ruvik would undoubtedly look for us there first. Only one address came to my mind—one of my closest friend. I told the old couple the address, hoping it would be a safe place to hide for a while.

As the car journeyed on, the old couple engaged us in friendly conversation. They asked about our lives, and I answered with vague responses, not wanting to reveal too much about the circumstances that led us to seek their help. The girl beside me remained silent, her smile radiant but guarded.

"My, such a talkative young lady!" the old lady remarked, trying to get her to open up.

I jumped in, "Oh, she's a bit shy around new people. She's my friend, and we're going through a tough time right now."

The old couple seemed understanding, and I was grateful that they didn't pry further. During the drive, we talked about various topics, and their warm presence provided a sense of comfort after the ordeal we had been through.

As the journey continued, I couldn't shake the mix of emotions inside me. Relief mingled with uncertainty about what lay ahead. I knew we couldn't stay hidden forever, and Ruvik's relentless pursuit haunted my thoughts.

Still, in that moment, being on the road with these kind strangers, I felt a glimmer of hope. It was a small step towards freedom, away from the clutches of the demon god.

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