𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 16

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As Rupert and I confronted Ben, anger surged through every fiber of my being. The betrayal and pain he caused to Erica and others fueled my rage. Ben's face contorted with arrogance, refusing to show remorse for his actions.

"You think you can get away with everything, don't you?" I hissed, my voice dripping with fury.

Ben laughed mockingly, "And what can you do about it, demon? You can't touch me!".

With a surge of anger, he pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. I didn't flinch; I knew he couldn't harm me with mere human weapons. He pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew towards me, but it disintegrated into thin air before reaching me.

"I told you, human weapons are useless against me," I said, my voice cold and calculated.

Enraged by my lack of fear, Ben threw a barrage of knives at me and Rupert. Yet, like the bullets, they had no effect on us. I could see his frustration growing as his futile attempts to harm us continued.

"You're nothing but a monster!" Ben shouted, his face twisted with anger.

"And you're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a man," I retorted, my anger matching his.

As our verbal sparring escalated, so did the intensity of our physical fight. I dodge his attacks effortlessly, his fists and knives meeting only air. Rupert, equally powerful, was at my side, ready to intervene if needed.

"You think you can ruin lives and get away with it?" I said through gritted teeth. "Well, not this time!".

With a surge of energy, I used my powers to restrain him, rendering him powerless against me. He struggled in vain, realizing the futility of his resistance.

"You'll pay for what you've done," I declared, my anger burning like an inferno.

Just then, as we were locked in our confrontation, Ben's mother, Rina Fernandez, appeared in the doorway. She was devastated to see her son caught up in this situation, witnessing the depth of his wrongdoings.

She fell to her knees, pleading with tears in her eyes, "Please, let my son go. Punish me instead."

Her plea struck a chord in me, and for a moment, my anger wavered. I glanced at Rupert, who understood the pain in my eyes.

With a heavy sigh, I released my hold on Ben and turned towards Rina. "He needs to learn the consequences of his actions," I said firmly, my anger still simmering beneath the surface.

Rina's eyes filled with sorrow and regret, realizing the gravity of her son's deeds. "I never thought he would end up like this," she whispered.

"It's time for him to face the consequences of his choices," I replied, my voice unwavering.

Ben, now freed from my grasp, cowered in the corner, his arrogance replaced by fear.

Rina looked at me with a mix of gratitude and despair. "Please, do what you must, but spare my son."

As the confrontation escalated, and Ben's actions laid bare before us, I knew I had to take action. Without hesitation, I used my powers to compel Rina to stay with us. She looked at me with a mix of fear and confusion, but she was under my control now.

“don't take my mother! Please, take me instead!" Ben cried, his desperation growing.

My resolve remained unwavering. Rina's involvement in Ben's actions couldn't be ignored, even if it was out of concern for her son. "It's too late for that," I replied, my voice tinged with anger.

With a heavy heart, I turned away from Ben and focused on Rina. "From now on, you will be with us," I commanded, and she nodded, under my control.

Rupert and I left the house, with Rina reluctantly following us. Ben's cries for his mother echoed in the distance, but I knew I had made the right decision. Justice had been served, and Rina's presence with us would ensure that she faced the consequences of her actions as well.

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