𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 13

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As Taylor attended Erica Kent's wedding, I found myself in the role of the designated driver, as her car was at the repair shop. Little did I know that the day would take an unexpected turn.

As I reached the wedding location, chaos greeted me. Smoke filled the air, and panic had overtaken the once joyful atmosphere. I frantically searched for Taylor amidst the commotion, fearing for her safety.

In the midst of the chaos, I accidentally bumped into someone. Through the thick smoke, I caught a glimpse of piercing yellow eyes before the person rushed away. The encounter left me bewildered, wondering what he was doing there and why he seemed so familiar.

As I continued searching for Taylor, my phone rang, and her name flashed on the screen. Relieved, I picked up the call, only to be met with her anxious voice asking where I was. I assured her that I would be there in a minute and rushed to find her.

After the call with Taylor, I had intended to make my way out of the burning church, but my vision blurred, and the next thing I knew, I found myself lying in the backyard under a tree. Confused and disoriented, I tried to recall what had happened, but my memory was hazy.Meanwhile, Taylor had grown worried when I didn't return to her after the call ended. She tried calling me multiple times, but I didn't pick up. Concerned, she decided to search for me herself.

When Taylor found me lying under the tree, she rushed to my side, her voice filled with concern. "Rui, are you okay? What happened?" she asked anxiously.

I'm not sure. I must have fainted, and I don't remember how I ended up here," I replied, trying to piece together the fragments of my memory.

Taylor's worry only deepened, and she insisted, "You need to see a doctor, Rui. This isn't normal.”

I tried to assure her that I would be fine, not wanting to burden her with my worries. "I'll be okay, Taylor, just a little tired, maybe," I said, not entirely convinced myself.

As we drove back to our apartment, I couldn't shake off the strange encounter with the guy from yesterday, and my unexplained fainting episode only added to the mystery surrounding the events of the day.

Once back at the apartment, Taylor continued to express her concern, urging me to take care of myself. I nodded, promising her that I would, but my mind was still preoccupied with trying to unravel the enigma of the yellow-eyed stranger and the inexplicable events that had unfolded at the wedding.

As Taylor and I settled back at our apartment, I couldn't shake off my curiosity about the fire at the wedding. I turned to Taylor and asked, "T, do you have any idea how the fire started at the wedding?".

Taylor looked equally puzzled. "I wish I knew, Rui. It all happened so suddenly. One moment, everything was fine, and the next, there was chaos and smoke everywhere," she replied.

"I heard someone mention that it started in the room where the bride, Erica Kent, went in and yeah I think I might saw your yellow eyes guy too ,” I said, trying to recall what I had overheard amidst the panic

Taylor's eyebrows furrowed. "That's strange. How could a fire start like that? It sounds suspicious," she mused.

"Yeah, it does," I agreed, my mind going back to the encounter with the guy with the yellow eyes.

“And speaking of which, you mentioned seeing that guy again at the wedding, right?" Taylor asked.

I nodded, my thoughts returning to the mysterious stranger. "Yes, I did. I bumped into him in the smoke, but he disappeared before I could say anything," I explained.

Taylor's eyes widened with interest. "Do you think he could be connected to the fire somehow?" she wondered aloud.

"I don't know, Taylor. It's all too strange to ignore. Maybe he knows something," I replied, my mind filled with questions.

"Well, if you find out anything, let me know. It's just so bizarre," Taylor said, clearly intrigued by the mystery.

"I will, Taylor. And I promise I'll be careful in my search for answers," I assured her, not wanting to put her or myself in any danger.

As we continued to discuss the events of the day, we couldn't make sense of the fire or the connection to the mysterious guy with the yellow eyes. The more we talked, the more the questions piled up, leaving us both feeling unsettled.

In the days to come, I knew I had to dig deeper and uncover the truth behind the fire and the stranger. Little did I know that my search would lead me into a dangerous world of secrets and deception, where the lines between friend and foe would blur, and the truth would be more elusive than I could ever imagine. But I was determined to find the answers, no matter what obstacles lay ahead.

As Taylor was preparing to leave for her evening flight, I decided to turn on the TV to catch up on the news. I stopped at a news channel, and there it was, the headline that caught my attention: "Erica Kent Missing, Cause of Wedding Fire Unknown”.

Feeling a rush of concern, I quickly called Taylor',

"Tay! Come here, you need to see this!”.

She joined me in the living room, her eyes fixed on the TV screen as we both watched the news. "Oh my, this is so troubling," Taylor said, her voice filled with worry.

"Yeah, it's hard to believe all this is happening," I replied, my heart heavy with concern for Erica and the mysterious circumstances surrounding the fire.

The news report confirmed that the cause of the fire was still unknown, but fortunately, no one was hurt or injured in the incident. Taylor and I both felt relieved to hear that, but our minds were still racing with questions about Erica's disappearance.

"They said they talked to Ben Fernandez, her fiance, but he has no clue where she might be," Taylor added, her brows furrowing with concern.

"I hope they find her soon," I said, my thoughts consumed by the search for Erica and the strange events of the day.

As the news report continued, we learned that the authorities were actively investigating the case, and a search was underway to find Erica.

"We need to keep an eye on this and see if there are any updates," Taylor suggested, her determination evident.

"I agree. Maybe we can help somehow," I said, feeling a sense of responsibility to find out the truth.

As Taylor's departure time approached, we reluctantly ended our attention on the TV, both promising to stay updated on the situation. But even as Taylor left, the mystery of the wedding fire and Erica's disappearance continued to weigh heavily on my mind.

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