𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 18

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I had been trying to reach Rupert for the past half hour, growing increasingly frustrated with each unanswered call. His consistent availability had been a norm, making this sudden silence perplexing and agitating.

In my annoyance, I decided to retreat to my usual place of solace – the river below my house. The sound of flowing water often helped to calm my mind and ease my temper. But as I reached the spot, my anger only intensified when I saw Rupert sitting there with someone unexpected – Rui.

Rupert's presence with her was baffling. I concealed my presence and observed them from a distance, my curiosity piqued by their interaction. Why was he here with her? And why was Rui here too, of all people? My initial irritation at Rupert's unresponsiveness was now overshadowed by a new sense of surprise and anger.

Rui sat on an outing chair, munching on Oreos and working on her laptop. Her presence here was an anomaly in itself. She had inadvertently intruded upon my special place, and it was testing my patience.

As I observed, Rui and Rupert exchanged words and occasional laughter. Their interaction seemed casual, though I couldn't help but wonder what had brought them together. My initial irritation began to morph into a more complicated set of emotions – curiosity, suspicion, and a gnawing sense of discomfort.

Rui's gaze shifted between Rupert and her laptop, her expression a mix of concentration and amusement. I couldn't deny the sense of curiosity that flickered within me as I watched from a distance, hidden in the shadows.

I couldn't quell the mounting frustration and intrigue that had gripped me since I spotted Rui and Rupert by the river. The sight of them together, in my special spot, had stirred a cocktail of emotions I couldn't ignore any longer. I had to confront the situation head-on, consequences be damned.

With determined steps, I approached the duo, my expression a curious mixture of annoyance and amusement. Rui was seated comfortably on an outing chair, her laptop perched on her lap as she worked on whatever creative endeavor had her attention. Her choice of attire – a red denim shirt and denim shorts , familiar owl bracelet and necklace – emphasized her casual yet alluring appearance. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, allowing her features to stand out.

As I reached them, my gaze locked onto Rui, and a sarcastic smile curled on my lips.

"Well, well, isn't this a delightful surprise? The famous author herself, enjoying a scenic view” I drawled, my tone dripping with wry humor. "Fancy finding you here, Rui."

Rui's gaze met mine, her tone matching my playfulness as she shot back, "You know, I thought this spot could use a touch of class."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her retort, my lips curling into a smirk. "Well, how fortunate for this spot to receive the gift of your presence."

I leaned nonchalantly against a nearby tree, my lips curling into a sarcastic smile. “And what about you?, What are you doing here" I turned to Rupert.

Rui smirked. "Oh, this is Rupert. He's a photographer. Apparently, he's been scouring the land for the perfect location."

Rupert chimed . "Nice to meet you. I'm Rupert."

His response had an undercurrent of calm assurance, but his acting was convincing. It was as though he and I had never met before. I raised an eyebrow, inwardly amused by his act, and allowed him to continue with his charade.

My eyes remained locked onto Rui,  "Rupert, huh? Photographer? Interesting.”

Rupert, playing his role, "Seems like you two know each other?".

WHEN THE DEVIL MEETS (BOOK1)Where stories live. Discover now