𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 17

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As I waited in my car at the restaurant, Ryuk arrived with his usual charming smile. We greeted each other warmly and headed inside for lunch. The anticipation of my upcoming book signing event mixed with curiosity about Ryuk's life made me eager to hear his stories.

"Hey, Rui! How's everything going?" Ryuk asked as we settled into our seats.

"Good, good. Just a bit nervous about the book signing tonight," I admitted, trying to hide my excitement.

"Don't worry, you'll do great! Your books are incredible, and your fans are going to love meeting you in person," he reassured me with a reassuring smile.

As we began our lunch, we talked about the event logistics, and Ryuk shared some ideas to make it more engaging for the attendees. He was always so attentive to details, which made him an excellent manager for my writing career.

"So, tell me, how's your life outside of managing my chaotic writing journey?" I asked, genuinely interested in getting to know him better.

He chuckled. "It's been good. You know, I've always been passionate about literature, so managing authors like you is a dream come true for me."

"I'm lucky to have you as my manager, Ryuk. Your dedication and support mean a lot to me," I said, sincere gratitude in my voice.

Throughout the lunch, we shared childhood memories, dreams, and aspirations. It was refreshing to talk about things beyond the world of books and publishing. Ryuk's genuine interest in my life made me feel valued as both an author and a person.

Over our lunch, the topic of Taylor came up naturally in our conversation. "You know, Ryuk, I've always wondered why you and Taylor never went on a date. You both are single, three of us spend so much time together, and you two seem to enjoy each other's company," I said, trying to be playful.

Ryuk smiled, seemingly lost in his thoughts for a moment. "Taylor is amazing, no doubt about that. She's smart, funny, and a genuinely good person. But there's someone else I've had feelings for," he replied, sounding a bit wistful.

My curiosity piqued, I leaned forward, teasingly. "Oh, really? Who's the lucky one that has stolen your heart?"

He chuckled, keeping his answer intriguing. "Ah, Rui, that's a secret I'll keep for now."

I couldn't help but grin, loving the playful mystery in his response. "Come on, Ryuk, you can't just leave me hanging like that. I promise I won't tell anyone."

His eyes twinkled mischievously. "Oh, I know I can trust you, but let's just say, it's someone I've known for quite a while, and I want to make sure everything's perfect before I share my feelings."

I nodded, understanding his sentiment. "Well, whoever she is, she's a lucky person to have someone like you in her life," I said, genuinely happy for him.

As our conversation continued, we talked about love, relationships, and the complexities of emotions. It was a refreshing change from the usual writing and publishing discussions, and I enjoyed getting to know Ryuk on a more personal level.

"So, are you planning on confessing your feelings soon?" I asked playfully, nudging him.

He grinned and nodded. "Yes, I think the time is right. I just need to find the perfect moment and the right words."

I smiled at his determination. "I'm sure you'll do great, Ryuk. She'd be lucky to have someone as caring and genuine as you."

"Thanks, Rui. I appreciate your support," he replied warmly.

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