𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 26

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I was abruptly awakened by the persistent ringing of my phone. Groggily, I reached for it, seeing Rupert's name on the screen. I glanced around the room, half-expecting to see Rui there beside me, but she wasn't. With a sigh, I answered the call, "Rupert, it's early morning. Better be a good reason for calling."

Rupert's voice sounded urgent and anxious on the other end. "Ruvik, we've found something. You need to see this."

Instantly, I was alert. "What did you find?"

"I've sent you an image. Take a look," Rupert said hurriedly.

I moved my gaze to the phone screen and saw the picture he had sent. It was a yellow stone that seemed to shimmer like glass, its size similar to the palm of a hand. "What is this?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"That's what we're trying to figure out. We found it in a very old and ancient cave deep in the woods of New Zealand," Rupert explained.

As he spoke, I quickly scanned the room again, still not spotting Rui anywhere. I put the phone on speaker and continued to listen. The image of the mysterious stone had my full attention. "Tell me more."

Rupert continued, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "The cave was massive, and the stone was tucked away within it. As we approached, there was a demon guarding it. But she was unlike any demon I've ever seen."

My interest deepened. "Different how?

"She had white eyeballs and pink hair. Her soul was pure darkness, unlike anything I've encountered before," Rupert explained. "When we tried to approach her, she fought us off effortlessly. She possessed unique abilities that made her almost untouchable. And you know how we feel a demon's presence when they're near, but we couldn't feel that demon's presence at all."

As I listened, my mind was consumed by the vivid imagery Rupert was painting. "What happened next?"

"She managed to escape, but not before I touched the stone," Rupert continued. "When I did, my mind was transported to a black, endless room. I witnessed the moments when the villagers killed my sister and when you slaughtered the entire village. I watched it all as if I was there, a spectator in my own memory."

I absorbed his words, my thoughts racing to understand the implications. "This stone is powerful, then. But why couldn't anyone else pick it up?"

Rupert's tone turned somber. "When we attempted to touch it again, it burned like lava. Every demon who tried went into that black endless room and then met with excruciating pain.”

I considered our options carefully. "Listen carefully, Rupert. Does anyone among your group have the ability to sense presence and scent?".

"We have Carlos for that," he replied.

"Good. Use him to track that demon," I instructed. "And does anyone have the power of compulsion?".

"Alisha does," Rupert said.

"Perfect. Have her compel a human to lift the stone," I suggested.

Rupert seemed to catch on. I continued "Then bring that human here, carrying the stone."

I weighed our choices. I want to go there by myself but I didn't want to leave Rui alone. "Rupert, we have three options. Either I can send a demon with teleportation powers, or you can bring the stone with Alisha's compelled human or I can come there using my teleportation power."

He mulled it over. "We don't know what this stone is capable of. You shouldn't risk coming here. We'll split into two teams. One will pursue the demon, and the other will bring the stone to you."

WHEN THE DEVIL MEETS (BOOK1)Where stories live. Discover now