𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 23

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Moving into Rui's apartment had turned out to be quite an interesting decision. It was almost like a playfield where I could observe her every move, and truth be told, I found myself enjoying the prospect. The fake dating idea was beginning to feel like more than just a strategy; it was becoming a reality.

I wasted no time and called Rupert, needing an explanation. I demanded to know why his girlfriend was involved with Rui. Rupert stammered his apologies, admitting that he might have let something slip in front of Irish. My anger intensified as I grilled him about what he had revealed. He confessed that he had mentioned Rui being associated with the government, assuring me he hadn't disclosed the part about her immunity to our powers.

I ended the call abruptly, seething with rage. The idea of Irish being around Rui was dangerous and unacceptable. The thought of her being vulnerable or harmed was unbearable.

I tried to quell my fury as I paced around the living room. That's when I saw Rui, quietly crying as she watched an episode of "The Big Bang Theory." The untouched pizza boxes and unopened Coca-Cola cans on the table told me she had been waiting for me. It was a surprise – she had waited for me despite my delay.

I watched her, my anger subsiding slightly. As she cried through the entire episode, something shifted within me. I finally spoke up,"Enjoying your show?".

She looked up, surprised to see me. I noticed her watery eyes, and my heart squeezed involuntarily. I felt an odd sense of protectiveness over her.

She explained me why she was crying and we ate our pizza watching more episodes.

After our dinner she explained the rules she had established for our living arrangement, including no parties without her consent, no physical contact, and definitely no Oreo sharing. As she spoke, I needed to alleviate some of the tension within me. I leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss. It wasn't just a tease; it was an attempt to find some solace, some connection amidst the chaos.

The kiss felt different – it wasn't about mocking or testing anymore. It was about something real and unspoken between us. It was a fleeting moment, yet it lingered in my mind as I agreed to her rules and bid her goodnight.

Once in my room, I took a long shower, trying to wash away the residual anger and frustration. As I changed into fresh clothes, I couldn't shake the memory of that kiss. It had held something more – a sense of comfort and an unexpected connection. My mind was preoccupied as I lay in bed, replaying that kiss over and over, wondering what it meant and what might come next. But I knew one thing that I couldn't trust her so easily and I can't be a fool by her tears.

I woke up around 10 in the morning, my thoughts still swirling around the unexpected kiss from last night. As I entered the living room, I realized Rui wasn't there. Panic surged through me – what if Irish had done something to her? My mind raced, entertaining all sorts of dark possibilities. I immediately reached for my phone and dialed her number, but it went straight to voicemail. She wasn't picking up.

The worry intensified, and I could feel my heart racing. I needed to know if she was alright. I paced around, glancing the whole apartment, I checked each room  But she wasn't there.

Desperation gripped me, and I went to the kitchen for a glass of water, hoping to quell the rising anxiety. That's when I noticed a note on the fridge. It was from Rui. Relief washed over me as I read her words – she had an important matter to attend to, and she had left early. She even mentioned that she had made breakfast for me – Oreo pancakes and hot chocolate. The note ended with a playful "xoxo Rui."

I followed her instructions and microwaved the pancakes and hot chocolate. The aroma wafting from the food filled the kitchen, and I couldn't help but smile. Taking a bite of the Oreo pancakes, I was met with an explosion of flavors that were simply delicious. It was like a small taste of happiness amidst the uncertainty.

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