𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 21

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I was contemplating my next move, considering using my teleportation power to access any location I needed. But before I could make a decision, Rupert chimed in with an unexpected suggestion.

"Hey, ruvik," he said, walking into the room, "why don't you take a break and let me handle the fieldwork this time?”.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise ,"You want to take charge?".

Rupert nodded confidently. "Yeah, I'm curious about different places and people. And some adventure would be fun."

I decided to give myself a break from the bustling city and travel somewhere serene. But instead of venturing out, I handed the task to Rupert. He's been around for quite some time and knows the drill. Plus, he's proven himself resourceful. So, I handed over the folder I received from Anastasia and outlined my plan.

"Rupert," I began, "I need you to do some digging. Take this folder and track down the locations where these incidents occurred. Look for any clues, patterns, anything out of the ordinary."

Rupert took the folder and gave me a nod. "Sure thing, boss. I'll get on it right away."

I glanced at the information in the folder, containing details of the locations and the victims. "Also, make sure to gather information on the victims. Check their backgrounds, connections, anything that might stand out."

Rupert was already scrolling through the contents of the folder. "Got it. I'll pull together whatever I can find."

I leaned back in my chair, running a hand through my hair. "And don't hesitate to bring some of our demons along for assistance. It's a big task, and we might need all hands on deck.”

Rupert grinned. "I was thinking the same thing. I'll assemble a team and get to work."

Before he left, I couldn't resist adding a touch of jest. "Just make sure you don't get carried away by the adventure part, okay?"

He shot me a grin full of mischief. "I'll keep my focus, don't you worry. But you can play I spy with my little tired eyes."

And i hate that I know exactly what he meant by that.

the advantage of keeping a close eye on Rui while Rupert busied himself with the task at hand.

The next day, I was puzzling over how to approach Rui. Since Rupert took on the task, I had a bit of time to figure things out. I couldn't think of a clear plan, but then I remembered the suggestion of faking a date.

I leaned back, considering the idea. It wasn't the worst suggestion; at least it would give me a reason to be around her. Maybe I could find out more about her and her connections. While it wasn't my favorite idea, I had to admit it had some potential. As I thought about it more, the idea started to grow on me.

Well, I guess I'll give it a shot, I thought. At least it's a way to get close and keep an eye on her. I just hoped I could handle the whole fake dating thing without losing my mind.

Feeling frustrated and out of ideas, I decided to head to my favorite spot by the river. It was a place where I usually found some peace and quiet, a sanctuary away from the chaos. However, my irritation grew as I reached there, only to find Rui once again enjoying her time with a picnic basket. She was wearing a light blue cotton shirt adorned with tiny blue flowers, matched with white cotton shorts. Her hair was in a bun, and as always, she had on that owl bracelet and necklace.

"Seriously? Again?" I muttered under my breath. It was like fate was mocking me, making sure she was everywhere I went. With an annoyed sigh, I found a spot away from her, determined to not let her presence ruin my moment of solace. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake off the distraction she had become.

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