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isaac and olivia sat together at the table, right next to erin. they watched as lee carved the turkey, with a little help from george. laughter and conversation filled the air as george and katherine went around, assisting everyone with dishing up their plates. katherine teased erin and jackie, calling them both dainty and graceful. meanwhile, isaac discreetly placed his hand under the table, resting it on olivia's thigh, hidden from view.

"alright, ladies first. excuse me, coming through," george announced as he made his way around the table. george suggested that they all take a seat and share what they were thankful for this year. katherine turned to cole, placing her hand on his shoulder, signaling for him to begin.

"uh, i guess i'm grateful that the broncos didn't have a terrible season," cole shared with a smile.

"i'm thankful for the long weekend and the opportunity to binge-watch a bunch of movies," danny chimed in.

"i'm just grateful that i didn't have to cook today, and you all should be too," alex grinned, earning a few laughs.

"i'm grateful for the chance to learn more about the native day of mourning," nathan added.

when it was lee's turn, he declined, saying he didn't feel like sharing.

isaac then playfully expressed his gratitude, saying, "well, i'm grateful, uhm, that the ladies love me for my charm and good looks," as he looked at olivia. everybody at the table started to laugh, and isaac continued, "and we're both grateful to be a part of this family, right lee?"

katherine smiled warmly and replied, "and we love having you in it."

"uh, i'm really grateful to be here with all of you and for the walters welcoming me and jackie into their home. thank you," she smiled.

"of course," katherine smiled in response.

"i'm just really grateful to be here. thanks for having me," erin smiled warmly.

"you're welcome," katherine replied with a kind smile.

"i'm grateful for so many things, you guys, of course, but mostly will. i should go," hayley said, getting up from her seat.

"of course, sweetie. let me just pack up some of this cranberry-almond stuffing because it's will's favorite," katherine stood up, ready to take care of it.

"but mom, we have to hear your turn," parker insisted. "oh gosh, there's so much to be thankful for. just go ahead and eat before it gets cold," she said, walking away.

"alright, bon appétit," george said , and everyone started digging into the delicious meal.


"it's the coolest thing, right jacks?" richard asked and olivia looked over. "what's it called?" danny asked. "manhattanhenge," jackie answered. "oh like stonehenge," isaac said. "exactly, it only happens twice a year, when the sun aligns perfectly with the manhattan street grid. this glow of light cuts right through these two tall buildings and rays shoot in every direction, their mom lived for those two days a year," richard said. "she really did," jackie smiled and looked at olivia. "whatever, big cities are overrated, olivia and jackie are realizing that now," cole said.

"maybe we can see manhattanhenge together next year," richard said to olivia and jackie. "if you both decide to come visit," he added. "too bad they're not moving back," lee said. "jesus lee, don't be a jackass," cole said. "lee, I don't think it's jackie and oliva you're mad at, right? they're not going anywhere," george said.

"actually I might be," jackie said and the whole table went quiet. "Estas seguro?" richard asked (are you sure?)

"what?" olivia asked, she didn't really believe her sister considered moving back. jackie looked at olivia and didn't say anything.

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