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olivia and isaac found a spot on top of a picnic table while lee sat on the bench. they watched as jackie paced anxiously, trying to find a florist. Just then, danny and cole approached the group, sensing the tension in the air.

"no answer. there's no way I'll be able to get another florist in time," jackie exclaimed worriedly. dole whispered, "what's going on?" isaac then said, "albert ate hayley's wedding bouquet."
lee, curious but a bit clueless, asked, "does she really need a bouquet?"

"for a wedding? yes, lee, she really does need a bouquet. what am I gonna do?" jackie lamented, feeling overwhelmed. cole, offering a solution, said, "I can get some flowers for you." jackie, filled with questions, fired them off one after another. "from where? what kind of flowers? you know there's a theme, right?"

cole reassured her, "yes, I'm not an idiot. But if you don't trust me, come with me." jackie, still unsure, asked about the time it would take. "Thirty minutes, tops," cole replied. jackie hesitated but eventually agreed, saying, "i mean, fine, if you have a better idea."

"this better be worth it, cole. lee, you have the bridge while I'm gone," jackie said, handing him the iPad. lee was surprised, asking, "really?" Jackie confirmed, "yes."

olivia asked, "what? not even me?" jackie pointed at isaac and said, "I don't trust you, you've been getting distracted all day with him." olivia defended herself, "pshh, me? I don't get distracted." isaac laughed and gave olivia a sweet kiss on the forehead, saying, "Yes, you definitely do, but that's okay."

lee groaned, "that's gotta stop when I'm around." Jackie reminded everyone, "and guys, please finish the cupcakes, okay?" lee happily took charge and said, "you heard her, guys. Come on, let's go."
danny and isaac did not want to help but olivia and lee showed them how to properly do it and they finally gave in.


olivia's dress was slightly different from jackie's. it was still a light blue one, but it had a leg slit and a corset top. she also wore a white shawl around her bare shoulders and long white earrings.

isaac waited outside for olivia to come out. when she opened the front door, he immediately stopped in place, completely captivated by her beauty. he admired the way her curls framed her face and how the dress flawlessly hugged her figure.

"whoa, olivia, te ves preciosa," he smiled at her. "you know I love it when you speak spanish," she replied, walking towards him. she pulled him closer by his tie, and they closed the space between them with a sweet kiss. isaac then put his arm around her waist, and they walked towards the venue together.

as they approached, they noticed nathan sitting near the back with his guitar in hand. cole and danny were near the entrance, engaged in conversation with jackie. olivia and isaac made their way towards the front seats and sat next to lee.

after a few minutes, everyone stood up as they watched hayley and her parents walk down the aisle. isaac put his arm around olivia, and she rested one hand on top of his free one.

"welcome, family and friends. we are here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of hayley althea young and william john jefferson walter. hayley and will have decided to embark on a new chapter of their lives. today, they will confirm that special bond and start their new lives together. we are all honoured to be here and to behold the love for and the commitment to eachother. hayley and will mark this day by not only celebrating their love for each other but by recognizing the love between us all here," as mato spoke, isaac and olivia looked at each other smiling.

"parents,siblings,family and friends. that love is what makes this day so special and full of joy. benny rings please. a ring is an unbroken, never ending circle. it is a symbol of infinity and of your everlasting love. please turn to eachother and say your vows," mato said.

hayley and will then shared their vows and after they said "I do."

after the ceremony, everyone made their way to the beautifully decorated tent to find their seats. fairy lights twinkled, and flowers adorned every corner. olivia sat next to isaac and jackie, feeling excited for the festivities to come. as they settled in, isaac gently placed his hand on olivia's thigh, a subtle gesture of affection.

jackie and olivia you guys did such a great job today," skylar smiled. "everyone did," olivia smiled."oh my god, when the bouquet got destroyed I thought I was done," jackie laughed. "yeah but the one you made... great," alex said and jackie smiled at him.

"you know my grandma says that these flowers are a symbol of unrequited love," nathan said looking at skylar. olivia looked at isaac and the two of them just smiled at each other before isaac gave her a kiss on her forehead. olivia couldn't help but notice the little glances between cole and jackie, she was sure there was something going on between them.

"everybody good?" george walked towards their table and everyone said yeah. "ready for your speech?" he asked cole. "as I will ever be," cole said. "great let's do it," george said as him and cole left the table.

alex left the table to refill his drink and danny followed him. olivia and isaac soon become wrapped up in each other and their own conversation they didn't pay much attention to jackie and lee.

cole soon tapped his glass to get everyone attention before starting his heartfelt but embarrassing speech. he brought of moments of kindness that will shared with all his siblings and cousins.

"to will and hayley," he said finishing off his speech as everyone raised their glasses. will and hayley soon finished their dance and started calling people up on the dance floor.

isaac stood up, his eyes filled with warmth and affection, as he extended his hand towards olivia. "would you care to join me for a dance?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation. olivia's face lit up with a smile, and she gladly took his hand, allowing him to lead her towards the dance floor.

as they swayed to the lively music, isaac couldn't help but be captivated by olivia's presence. their bodies moved in perfect harmony, their hands intertwined, never wanting to let go.

in the midst of the dance, isaac's voice broke through the music, his smile still radiant. "olivia?" he softly called out, his words laced with adoration. olivia turned towards him, her curiosity piqued. "yeah?" she replied, her voice filled with tenderness.

"i love you," isaac declared, his voice gentle and sincere. "i love the way your smile can light up a room, and i love the way your eyes sparkle when i tell you how beautiful you are. i love everything about you," he confessed, his words carrying the weight of his emotions.

olivia's eyes widened, and she felt a rush of butterflies, just like when they first touched or when he first complimented her. time seemed to stand still as the world around them faded into the background. all the dancing and laughter momentarily paused, as they both realized the depth of their feelings.

"isaac, i love you too, more than you can imagine," olivia replied, her smile radiating pure happiness, as she placed her hands on either side of his jaw. isaac placed his hands gently on her lower back, and in that moment of shared vulnerability, they paused, their eyes locked, before leaning in to share a tender, heartfelt kiss.

authors note:

i'm the one writing this and olivia and isaac got me giggling,kicking my feet and twirling my hair 🤭🫣

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