Chapter 1: A new Beginning

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[Chapter 1: A New Beginning]

April has arrived, which means Spring has come.

Petals from Cherry Blossom trees began to fall, dying the road in this light-pinkish color.

The sun had just risen, birds were chirping a welcoming melody that we hadn't heard in a while, as they had just returned from migration.

Shops and stalls opened, for them, today is another day for business opportunities.

The streets have now become lively, as more and more people have started to walk by, filling the streets. You got to wonder, where are they all going?

However, it was quite noticeable that most of them were wearing school uniforms, so they're likely to be heading to school.

Well, it's already April after all, which means for most is the beginning of another term, the start of another school year.

Seeing all these students scattered around, commuting to school, there was some loitering at your local convenience store, and some who just woke up, tardily dressed and yawning. Seeing these youths, really gives off that new-term vibe every beginning of April.

The local elderly neighbor walking their dog, the chirping of the birds, students chuckling with their friends at trivial conversations.

Everything seems to be going as it does every fresh start of April. Nothing seems to be strange or out of the ordinary... Except for one particular person.

"The wind of change is approaching."

A young man with black and messy hair, his bangs blocking almost half of his face with only his left eye comes to view.

"How long has it been since I last basked in the sunlight? ...It's warm." The boy muttered to himself.

Along with his overly grown bangs, already blocking most of the view of his face, he also wears a black mask reaching up to his nose making it even harder to do so.

"The abyss is upon us... The hands of time, began to turn once more... We have little time remaining..."

The clothes he was wearing were not ordinary.

He wears a red long coat that seems to be his school uniform, modified to look like a long coat, and fingerless gloves on both of his hands, a sword hanging on his back, sheathed inside a scabbard as if telling he was a man of the swords.

"As for me? My name is... wait, who am I...?" he said, pretending to ponder as though he had forgotten who he was, then continued.

"Oh yeah, that's right..." He snickered, that slowly developed to frantic laughter, pretending as though recollecting something important about himself.

"I am, Phantom! The swordsman who dwells in the shadows!"

He clenched his fist, thinking to himself l, 'Kukuku, nailed the introduction.'

He self-complimented after delivering his chuunibyou dialogues.

"Now for some exposition" he mumbled.

He placed his foot on the bench, under the cherry blossom tree. He struck a cool pose, or at least he thought it was cool.

"The world might not remember my name, but I still remember the world."

He struck another cool pose, placing his hand to his face with one eye peeping throught the gaps of his fingers.

"Even if no one remembers, nor is rewarded for my deeds, I, Phantom will carry out justice, and vanquish all the evil of this world."

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now