Chapter 25: Dominating the match.

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[Chapter 25: Dominating the match.]

And now, we're about to beginning our basketball match.

We got our referee from the second year's class. They are classmates of the upperclassman girls I picked for my team who are also having their P.E period right now.

The winner will be decided on whose team could score to 10 first.


The whistle blew and the match started, the ball got thrown in the air as we competed for the jump ball.

'Yahiko got this. Out of the five of us, he's the highest jumper.'

The enemy team(Team Soba) planned out everything including their roles and positions in the game. They were expecting the jump ball to be in Yahiko's  favor. However,


In mid air, they were surprised to see me jumping higher than Yahiko, managing to grab the ball first before Yahiko-kun could.

'Yahiko used to be part of the volleyball team. How could he lose on the jump ball?'

Landing at the ground with the ball on my hands, I quickly pass it to the girl behind me who is my team mate.

Having possession of the ball, she charges forward, going on the offense. However, the ball quickly got stolen away by Shiki.

Shiki is now on the offence followed by his team mates. He passed the ball to Kaido, then Kaido performed a simple layup.

The first point was given to team Soba making the score 1-0 in their favor.

Soba Hito's team tapped each other's back and high-five as a "good play" gesture.

The game restarted. The ball got passed to me on the inbound, then I charged.

Kaido tried to defend me, but I swiftly passed by doing a cross over.

"Stop him!"

Well, I didn't know it was called a cross over at the time since I was a total beginner.

Just after passing Kaido, Shiki is already prepared to defend against me. However,

"Wait! Where's the ball..?!"

Everything happened so fast that they didn't notice what I did during the cross over.

As I had my back turned, during the cross over, they did not notice I had already passed the ball to the girl behind my back as I passed through Kaido earlier.

While they got distracted looking for who took possession of the ball, I charged forward towards the ring.

The girl who now holds the ball then tried to shoot at the three pointer line and threw it in the air. However, it didn't go in and bounced off the rim.

I tried to do what you call an Alley Oop but the ring is higher than I had expected so my jump was a little short for a dunk, so I ended up only doing an improvised layup.

The ball went in and we scored.

"What the..?!"


The girls high-five each other for scoring.

Soba Hito's group was surprised. Everything happened so quickly and didn't expect that kind of play from a total armature.

"Did he lie when he said he doesn't know how to play?"

"Guys, I think we might have to take this game a little more seriously..."

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now