Chapter 28: Just a Chuuni's words of assurance.

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[Chapter 28: Just a Chuuni's words of assurance.]

Mocha-san palmed both of her cheeks to wake herself up.

"Sigh." Taking a deep breath, her eyes filled with determination, declaring to herself that.

'Alright! It's my turn to do the same as the strong willed shoujo heroine.'

Finding her determination once more, Mocha-san disregards all her insecurities for a second, focusing all her attention on the game.

The enemy served, Mocha-san is now positioned behind the net from the current rotation.

The ball flew over and it wasn't directed towards Mocha-san this time for being in the front line.

Their team receives the ball properly, then passes the ball around two more times until it reaches the enemy's court.

The ball was pretty low and touched the net barely. Because of that, it managed to pass through just enough to make the ball fall on the enemy territory, falling at an awkward position for a receive.

However, the enemy team reacted swiftly and still managed to properly receive the ball that a normal player can hope to react with speed.

They tossed the ball in the air and was going for a spike. The spiker runs at the opposite side of the net where Mocha-san is standing.

The spiker hit the ball, then-

'I, I can block it!'

Determined, Mocha-san jumped the same time the spiker did in attempt on blocking the ball. However,



She jumped without getting closer to the net. She was about 3 to 4 steps behind the net so blocking at that distance was practically of no use.

Instead, because of the angle of the spike and her out of position block, the ball hit her straight in the face with full force, and a loud slapping sound was made and can be heard through the entire gymnasium.

She was knocked down on the floor, with eyes spinning, and a really brightly red round print on her face, the same size as the volleyball that hit her just now.

"Mocha-san, are you alright?!"

Everyone rushed to Mocha-san's aid, who was currently laying flat on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm fin-"

Just about when she tried to stand, she felt lightheaded and laid back on the floor from dizziness.

She was hit fairly hard on that spike, so her balance is a little disorganized at the moment.

"Ugh... Everything is spinning. M, my shoujo heroine debut..."

She mumbled out loud while staring in the ceiling l, as Class Rep Hitomi-san held her in her arms. Hitomi-san has no clue what she was talking about.

"Mocha-san, hold on! We'll take you to the infirmary."

Just when Class Rep Hitomi-san was about to carry Mocha-san on her shoulder, a guy stepped in and tapped Class Rep Hitomi-san's shoulder.

"Let me take this from here."

"Y, Yukiya-kun?!"

All of a sudden, I picked up Mocha-san in my arms like I did with President Shiori-senpai, performing a princess carry.

[Still under the influence of Ayaka's little prank.]

"W, Wha-"

Mocha-san got flustered by suddenly getting carried by someone in their arms, especially by me who she considered as a potential male lead candidate.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now