Chapter 36: "Just watch me"

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After declaring to Mocha-san I'll be performing blending in with the crowds, I put up my "perfect side character mode", more prepared than ever before.

Class proceeded normally, nothing much happened.

Two periods have passed and the next will be recess.

But before that, just before the bell rings,

"Okay class, wait for the next bell then you can have your recess."

After the teacher walked out of the room, I leaned towards Mocha-san, trying to catch her attention.

"Pst, Mocha-san." I called out her name quietly.

"W-What is it?"

Mocha-san answered, slightly startled as she's not used to being talked to by other people at random.

I waved my hand in a gesture telling her to come closer.

'What could it be that he's trying to tell me?'

She lent me her ear with curiosity.

Learning a little closer, I then whispered to Mocha-san.

"Get ready, it's about to begin. Watch me(as I blend in with the crowds.)"

'Ready for what? What's about to begin? Watch me? What does he mean by that...?'

Mocha-san tilted her head as she had no clue what I was talking about.

'I know I failed miserably yesterday. However, this time, I'll show you the fruits of my labor with my one month's worth of training. Kukuku.''

*Bell rings*

The bell rang and time for recess arrived.

Recess in our school has a duration of fifteen minutes. That might not sound that long, however, fifteen minutes was enough for a crowd to form in the back which is our spot.

The crowd was split between Mocha-san and mine's desk. A barrage of questions began, as if we were being interrogated.

Our classmates wanted to know more about Mocha-san, who was a new addition to the class. As for me, despite being classmates for as long as four months, we were practically strangers to each other. They only started growing curious about me after retiring my Phantom attire as my passive mode, no longer having this "don't talk to me" barrier surrounding me.

"Mocha-san, what games do you like? "

"Do you have any hobbies?"

"What do you think of our school so far?"

"What do you usually do at home?"

"If a soap fell on the floor. Is the floor clean, or is the soap dirty...?"

"Um-, I... uhm..."

'I can't understand what they're saying at all...'

Due to them talking consecutively in no order, Mocha-san can't quite make out what everyone is saying. Which question should she answer first? How will she respond? They're asking questions about me. Wait, who am I? Overthinking about what she'll reply, Mocha-san's mind came to a blank.

Before she knew it, she found herself stuck frozen, awkwardly smiling like an idiot as she doesn't know what to do or say anymore.

"Stop that guys, you're troubling Mocha-san."

Class Rep Hitomi-san interfered as she saw Mocha-san's troubled expression.

Mocha-san isn't used to being the center of attention, much less expecting a confident reply for each and everyone of them. The only reason she managed yesterday was due to the adrenaline rush she had that she gained after our first encounter. However, after having a goodnight's rest, she calmed down and came back to reality.
[To simply put, she was high yesterday.]

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now