Chapter 2: Hokkyokusei High School

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[Chapter 2: Hokkyokusei High School]

After walking a while not minding people's gazes, I reached the front gate of "Hokkyokusei Highschool", the high school I'll be attending to.

I clenched my fist tightly.

'All right! From the moment I set foot in this place, interesting stuff will start to happen.'


With my resolve, I took my first step forward, officially entering Hokkyokusei High School as its student.

Although it's not that crowded, there's still considerably a lot of people. To be specific, students entering the school for the entrance ceremony.

However, everyone still avoids contact with me and moves out of my way, as if don't want anything to do with me.

'Wow, this Phantom attire's really effective. Just by wearing this I can make people move out of the way just with my presence alone. I feel like Moses right now.'

Like Noses split the sea, I split the crowd of people on my way.

Entering the school, I looked for the gym where the ceremony would be held.


Arriving at the gymnasium.

When I tried walking through the gym's entrance, one of the student council members stopped me from entering.

I knew they were student council members by the armband attached to their uniform, spelling out "student council".

They looked at me with faces saying, 'What is this weirdo thinking/doing wearing clothes like that, especially at the entrance ceremony?'

Normally, students who just entered high school want to look as nice and proper as possible, in order to make a good first impression amongst their peers. First impressions last, after all, and wearing my phantom attire, along with my messy hair doesn't really give off the same impression that you would typically want as a new student especially on your first day.

They asked questions relating to my outfit, it almost felt like an interrogation. In the end, they ended up confiscating my sword as they explained that it allegedly "would be against school rules".

After the interrogation like questions was over, with my sword being confiscated that I of course retaliated, but gave up at the end because of the fear my sword might break from the constant back and forth pulling. It was just made of plastic after all. Then I was finally allowed to enter the gymnasium.

Upon entering, hairs laid out in rows and line greeted me facing the stage, the seat provided for the students to sit comfortably through the duration of the entrance ceremony.

It was noticeable that there were lots of students inside already, waiting for the ceremony to begin that will start in a few minutes.

I proceeded to find a chair, though, while finding a seat, it took me quite some time before I found one. Because, every time I asked if the vacant chair next to them was available, they would always reply that it was already taken.

I just took it as a simple coincidence, they're probably reserving those seats for their friends, I thought. I wasn't aware that they didn't want to be seated next to me, for standing out too much, a person they thought of as a weirdo.

By the way, I ended up being seated at the far back corner at the end of the seating arrangement.

The mic and speaker turned on. A voice not visible from the stage reached everyone's ears, politely asking for "Everyone, please stand up." And so everyone complied.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now