Chapter 20: We're not so different?

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[Chapter 20: We're not so different?]

'Ugh..Welp, I'm not gonna be doing that again...' I thought to myself after stepping out of the classroom. 'Who knew looking listlessly outside the window would be that straining...'

Lunch break has arrived, and right now, I am walking through the halls to go to my secret base. I wanted to recollect my thoughts, to plan my next move for the afternoon as I peacefully eat my lunch there.

I am now free to move my head, but my neck still feels stiff. I say, looking listlessly outside the window was more straining than I thought.

By the way, a few minutes ago before I left, I expected people to start crowding at the back, A.K.A our spot cause they wanted to talk not only to me but more so to Mocha-san, who's a new transfer student.

I thought to myself that she stands out too much, so I decided to leave as soon as possible.

At the exact moment when the bell rang, I silently stood up, and started to walk out of the classroom unoticed.

I say unnoticed, but Mocha-san actually saw me on my way out.

'Where is he going.' Mocha-san wondered as she witnessed me stepping outside the classroom.

Just seconds after, there are already people arriving at the back, forming a crowd.

"Mocha-san, Hi." A classmate greeted.

"He, Hello!" Mocha-san replied anxiously.

Just seconds after I'm gone. Our classmates approached Mocha-san and tried striking conversations, making efforts on getting to know her better, the new transfer student.

"Mocha-san. Where did you get your hair done? It looks pretty."

"Ah-. I, Um... from-"

"Mocha san. Where in the shopping district your bakery is located?"

"Ah... on-"

"What type of guys do you like?"

"What's your old school like?"


Mocha-san's head started spinning, filling dizzy with all this question all at once. She doesn't know how to reply confidently yet, so she wasn't prepared much less for a crowd gathering with her as the center.

"I, uhm.... Ah! Can I use the bathroom for a minute! I have something important to do!"

In the end. She couldn't take it anymore, grabbing her lunchbox then quickly run away escaping the classroom.


By the time I got to the rooftop.

I tried to twist the doorknob, but it wasn't budging.

I looked at it again. And upon closer inspection, I could see that it was sparklingly brand new.

"The door is fixed..."

[Narrator here, time to explain the situation.]

When Saito asked Student Council President Shiori-senpai, "So what if he refused to stop even if you told him off. It's not like someone will always be here to guard the door every time he tries to."

After President Shiori-senpai realized she wouldn't be able to attend school for a while, due to her injury, she asked for funds from the principal, and had a guy to fix the door earlier that morning.

She doesn't want to disappoint her certain kouhai(junior), so she had it fixed as soon as possible.

[End of flashback.]

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