Chapter 50: A storm is approaching. (Vol.1 [End])

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Upon seeing the live broadcast, Haruka-san rushed to the scene where Fumidai and Phantom are having their duel.

Wearing a disguise, a hoodie, glasses, and a cap hiding her true identity as a famous idol, she rode the railway as it was the fastest way to commute to the duel’s location.

Meanwhile, Mocha-san who was watching amongst the crowds was overwhelmed, still processing just what I the world is happening just now.

The strange boy she recently met just yesterday, is the true identity of Phantom really Yukiya Saito? Not just that, he even won at Fumidai's home playing field which was pitched perfect singing.

As she watched in disbelief, a thick smoke enveloped the stage, and Phantom just suddenly disappeared along with the mist he most likely created.

“W, where did he go…?”

The emcee, along with everyone wondered the same.

Phantom’s untimely disappearance left everyone wondering, just who is this Phantom? What is his purpose? His flawless entrance and exit were as if they were staged, could Phantom be a character the industry planted to build up publicity?

Everyone formulates a theory of their own but is totally clueless all the same. 

Suddenly, the bush that was beside Mocha-san started rustling. 

Hearing that rustling sound, Mocha-san turned her head to investigate, but then, someone unexpectedly sprang into view, giving her a big shock.


She let out a startled voice. There she saw a face that was all too familiar to her by this point.

Emerging from a bush that brought back memories of our first encounter. It was none other than me, her master.

‘H, how did he manage to return here so quickly!?’

Mocha-san wondered to herself, her face displaying obvious expressions of surprise and disbelief.

Looking at my clothes already changed to our school uniform, not even two minutes have passed by so the timeframe wouldn’t make sense.

‘His clothes, there’s no way he could have changed clothes so fast if he really was Phantom, right? Haha…’

She tried convincing herself, putting logic in this illogical situation.


I greeted Mocha-san, with a mischievous smile and index finger on my lips, I inquired,

“Did you see? Showdown? I looked cool, right?”

I said it in a secretive gesture as if to imply I was on the stage.

“Y-yo! I, I mean, y-yes! …?”

Mocha-san stutteringly replied, thinking.

‘So it really was him! Master is Phantom!?’

Given the context, it pretty much confirmed that I and Phantom are the same person.

Due to this confirmation, Mocha-san was left with a dumbfounded expression on her face, attempting to make sense of this newfound information.

As we speak, Haruka-san has arrived at the scene.

Although she was planning to just watch on the sidelines, if things got too out of hand, she was willing to step in and stand beside Phantom.

However, when she looked at the stage, witnessing people leave, and the set getting taken down, also the broadcast that he checked had just ended on her phone, it seems like she arrived there too late.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now