Chapter 3: More than three months passed

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[Chapter 3: More than three months has passed.]

As I pass by the crowd, people treat me differently. They looked at me with judgemental eyes as if looking at a total weirdo, trying to avoid as much as if averting something troublesome.

"Why do they let someone like that in school? I'm surprised someone our grade still hasn't grown out of his 8th-grade syndrome."

"Hey dude, you also got into your chuunibyou phase, didn't you? ..You even called yourself the wind emperor or something whenever a passing breeze comes by."

"Understandable, I get what you mean so stop bringing it up already ...But still, I didn't get that far." random guy-A said, commenting on my outfit.

"Yeah, I get what you mean. Even if we are allowed to alter our uniforms it's kind of creepy that he's going to that extent."

The pair of students whispered behind my back as I passed through the halls.

"He wears the same clothes every day. Does he even get to wash them?"

"Yeah, it looks hot in there, he probably smells by now"

Another pair of students gossiped.

Actually, I made multiple modified uniforms that looked identical each. Because, characters from anime and animated shows in general usually don't change how they dress. [Wasn't aware it was for animation budget reasons]


More than three months have passed since school started.

Before I knew it, the first semester of my new high school life was already about to end.

Sitting on my chair, I put my hands together and put on a serious expression on my face.


I sigh, lost in deep thought thinking that 'NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENED!'

It has been more than three months since school started. Everyone now has become comfortable with each other and established their circles of friends... Except for me, I was excluded in that comfortable feeling.

[Because Yukiya's introduction was skipped, his classmates didn't get the chance to get a glimpse of his character, making it hard for them to approach. However, that's not all, because of this chuunibyou's stubbornness, wanting to become the quiet and mysterious character of the class, he stayed silent in one corner with this intimidating aura around him.]

'Should I introduce myself again...? No, it will worsen my already failed introduction. It would look much less cool if I did. This could risk my silent and mystery character appeal.'

I was conflicted about approaching my classmates again; however, no shadow hero would just suddenly approach you and ask if you want to be his friend. It would look like the same cliche with the most world threatening villain is just some misunderstood and lonely person who wants friends.

'I shall avoid such a cringe rout!'
[Refuse to rely on the power of friendship.]

'How disappointing.' I sigh in disappointment.

At first, I was all excited about starting my new journey [A.K.A. beginning of new high school life] but so far nothing interesting happened. Before I knew it, it was already the last day of the first semester.

I thought everything would be fun because, in anime, exciting stuff usually happens in high school. However, I had still yet to experience such thrilling events.

I was expecting some major development, something like the appearance of an ally to walk the path of darkness with me, or a foe that will threaten the world, or a rival to get stronger along side with. So far, nothing of that has yet to happen.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now