Chapter 35: A letter of challenge, a declaration to change.

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We arrived at school on our desired time we aimed for, which was being moments away from the first bell to ring.

Currently, we're now at the entrance and changing into our loafers.

As I mentioned previously, by chance, before going home from school. I got to find out that Mocha-san's shoe locker was the one previously vacant next to mine.

So, right now we were standing side by side to each other, about to open our locker to access our indoor shoes.

At that moment, Mocha-san had a face as if readying herself for something.

She put up a serious expression on her face as she hesitantly open the door to her shoe locker.

'Could there be one...?' *Gulp*

'Maybe there's one.'

When she opened her shoe locker, seemingly hoping for something. The moment it opened... it was normal.


'No letter... Not like I wasn't expecting this tho...'

There was nothing but her shoes inside.

What Mocha-san was hoping for was a love letter. For her, who was treated as a forgettable person most of her school life, it's like one of the ultimate goals to recognize her existence.

Although disappointed, it was not like she hadn't expected it. The reason is, during her middle school years she was also anticipating an event like this. But unfortunately, it never happened.

At the same time, after Mocha-san just opened hers, I casually opened mine and a lot of envelopes in different shape and sizes came flooding out of my shoe locker.

'Wh, what the!?'

Mocha-san was stunned to see all these envelopes scattered on the floor that was enough to even start falling out of my shoe locker.

"Sigh, so they came again. Huh..."

I said in a seemingly normal tone, unfazed, as if saying I had expected this to happen.

'He doesn't even look fazed about this!?'

Mocha-san was surprised from my lack of reaction about the letters.

The reason for the letters was probably the other day to yesterday's exposure.

A lot happened this past two days so my existence probably spread withing the students by now. Not that I'm aware off.

[Plus he's handsome, they're probably trying to go for a lucky catch or something like that.]

'Kukuku. I already know what this is... This is what they call a punishment game!'

Is what I genuinely thought about the situation.

The past four months since school started, I received about 15 of this letters and found all of them the same way just like this, inside the shoe locker.

They all have the same instruction saying "Please meet me at the back of the school".

In other words, this is a later of challenge!

With the contents of a meeting to a private place such as the back of the school, it could only mean that. They wanted to have a private duel against me, Phantom. Hm hm. [Nope.]

However, when I arrived at the meeting place, there was no one to be found other than me standing in the back of the school yard.

It kept going until the sixth time. For the sixth time, there was actually a person waiting for me and it was a girl I have never met before.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now