Chapter 41: A shadow hero's sacrifice.

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Walking through the hallways of the school, still in the process of showcasing the tragedy of being a shadow hero to Mocha-san. That being, a shadow hero doing heroic deeds that shall never be recognize by the world.

While walking through the hallways, looking for more events to demonstrate how tragic of a shadow hero I am.

I came across a lost wallet that was lying flat on the floor.

Adding more details to what the wallet looked like, it seems like it belongs to a female student judging by the designed.

Seeing the seemingly unattended wallet on the floor, it made me come to a stop which Mocha-san who was stalking me since earlier noticed, as well realizing as to why.

'A lost wallet?' (Mocha)

Seeing the wallet that was lying in front of me, I picked it up off the floor, now holding it in my hands.

'He picked it up. Ah, maybe he's going to turn it in to the lost and found. Y-yeah, that's it.'

That is what she had assumed seeing me picking up the seemingly unattended wallet.

Because, by this time, through Mocha-san's personal assessment of me thus far, she had come in to terms that maybe I wasn't much of a bud guy like she had originally thought after all.

Picking up the seemingly lost wallet off the floor, I then spread it's pockets open exposing the insides and started looking around the wallet.

I searched through the wallet but the only thing that could be found was a single 50 yen coin inside.

'He's going through the wallet...?! Ah! Maybe he's checking for any leads about the owner. T-that's it, right? He couldn't be possibly steal-'

Just when Mocha-san was to finishing her internal monologue. She saw me taking out the 50 yen coin out of the lost wallet, seemingly inspecting it as though checking it's authenticity.

'He's taking money out of the wallet!?'

Mocha-san then got alarmed seeing me do so. From seeing the scene of me just casually taking someone else's money out of their missing wallet, it was easy to assume and understandable why she would do so.

I then took out my own wallet out of my pocket and opened it.

'Don't tell me, he's actually gonna do it?'

Mocha-san assumes as it looked like I was about to transfer that person's lost money and put it into mine.

I then grinned sinisterly.

'Kukuku. Are you watching this, new student? Now look at me, as I make the ultimate sacrifice.

And then the next thing that happened was me suddenly pulling out a full 10,000 yen bill from my wallet, then placing it inside the lost wallet in exchange with the 50 yen coin I took out earlier.

'What the... What just happened?'

Mocha-san was confused as to why I did what I did just now. She could not comprehend why I was so willing to give away a full ten-thousand-yen bill just like that.

And to be honest, I didn't know either...

Okay now, lets look at my own point of view of how everything unfolded.

As I was walking through the halls, I was thinking if I had fulfilled enough scenes to look heroic but tragic at the same time as I secretly helped the civilians while staying in the shadows.

'Hmm... I'm not so sure if I looked that tragic enough. It kind of feels like it's still lacking in the tragedy area.'

I am confident enough about the justice part, but I'm not so sure about the self-sacrificing side of things of being a tragic shadow hero.

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