Chapter 15: Surprise test.

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[Chapter 15: Surprise test.]

After getting senpai's injury treated, we sent each other off and now finally returning to our classrooms... Although it has already been 20 minutes since the last bell rang for the first period in the afternoon...

While walking down the hall, my mind is filled with thoughts, recollecting everything that has happened thus far.

'After switching into a normal student character, everything seems to be falling into place just like the ones in the shows.'

'No one is avoiding me anymore so that must mean I've already blended in with the crowds pretty well. '

'That's what I thought. However, even though I think I blended in pretty well, the student council president Shiori-senpai somehow still managed to see through my vasaud.'

Passing through the halls, some students secretly take a glimpse of me at their window. But I paid it no mind as I was lost in my thoughts.

'So I take what happened was: at first they thought I was their enemy,' [Referring to when they were trying to catch the weird person.]

'And now they're unsure. As senpai let me go even after catching me.'

'I also got to save the good guy so, technically speaking, Phantom helped the good guy from the shadows as I helped in my side character form.'

'And when she laughed at the end... It must have meant that she's now marked me as her target. It's basically like saying the line of "We will meet again." foreshadowing... I'll take this as Operation: [Blend in with the crowds.] is proceeding just perfectly.

It was kind of disappointing there's no spy though... It would have been much cooler if I found another chuunibyou.


I finally reached the door of our classroom. And, at that moment I opened the door... When I entered the classroom, the air inside felt somewhat heavy.

All of my classmates have papers on their desk, seemingly putting on a troubled expression on their faces.

When I looked in front of the classroom, there was already a teacher standing.

Well, I've been gone for a while so it's only natural for the teacher to be there. However...

'It's teacher Tsubasa!'

I suddenly realized the source of this discomforting feeling.

In contrast to Teacher Kyoshi Hageshi, who's always asking questions at the end of the lesson, Teacher Tsubasa is known for giving out quizzes at the beginning of his class, after finishing his lesson from previous days.

Of course, there was no school yesterday so what is he giving? I suspected that this is a test to see if we retained our knowledge after having our summer break.

The second and third years might have expected this, but as freshman we didn't see this move coming.

Seeing that he handed a full blown test paper to my classmates, I suspected that the solving time we had was about an hour.

"You there, where have you been?"

"S, sorry Sir. I fell down the stairs so I had to go to the infirmary." I explained, thinking, 'Technically I didn't lie.'

I technically didn't lie since I also fell on the floor directly on the staircase as well.

"Wait a minute. Who are you anyway?" inquired Tsubasa-sensei, seeing an unfamiliar face.

"It's Yukiya Saito, Sir."

"Yukiya? ...wait, Saito!? That strange student who always wearing that edgy looking customized uniform? That Yukiya Saito?!"

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